Appendix 2: SUNY Maritime College Performance Improvement Plan Metrics
In the fall of 2015, all SUNY campuses were required by statute in the 2015-2016 budget to submit to SUNY a Performance Improvement Plan in order to be eligible for additional funding from the Expanded Investment and Performance Fund. The SUNY Board of Trustees delegated approval of campus plans to the Chancellor. SUNY Maritime College’s Performance Improvement Plan was submitted in October 2016 and subsequently approved by the Chancellor.
As part of the Performance Improvement Plan, all campuses were required to demonstrate that their long-term goals and strategies were aligned with the six SUNY Excels priorities:
Access: Enrollment; NY residents served; diversity; capacity
Completion: Degrees and certificates awarded; retention; graduation rates; time to degree
Success: Programs that support future student success
Inquiry: Sponsored Activity; Student hands-on research; scholarship; discovery and innovation
Engagement: StartUp NY; alumni philanthropic Support; civic engagement; economic impact
Campuses were requested to provide targets for each of the following metrics that supported the aforementioned priorities.
The following is a list of metrics used to measure our progress toward the goals we set in our Performance Improvement Plan. Accomplishing the objectives and actions delineated in our strategic plan will help us reach the goals we submitted to SUNY for each metric below: