Pay Your Bill

students on campus

Students may view and pay their bills online themselves or authorize someone - usually a parent or other family member - to pay for them.

Students: Access your Student Account and make a payment on your bill by:

  • Log in to Self Service

  • Click on "Student"

  • Click on "Student Account"

  • Click on "TouchNet Payment - Make a Payment"

Instructions on how to understand your bill is available here.

Set up an authorized user

Students can designate an authorized user (parent, relative, guardian, employer, etc.), who can view their account and make payments on their behalf via a portal called TouchNet. If a student designates an authorized user, the user will receive emails notifying him or her that new invoices are available for viewing.

To set up an authorized user:

  1. Log in to Self Service

  2. Click on “Student”

  3. Click on “Student Account”

  4. Click on “TouchNet Payment – Make a Payment”

  5. Once inside of the TouchNet portal click on “Authorized Users” on the right-hand side menu

  6. Click on the tab labeled “Add Authorized User”

  7. Input the email address of your authorized user and select their level of access

Your Authorized User will then be sent an email with temporary login credentials. Using these credentials, the user will complete the registration and have access to the student account.

Video instructions on how to add authorized users is available here.

ways to pay

Pay by Mail

You may mail a check to Maritime College (include your Maritime ID# and term for which payment should be applied). When the payment has cleared, we will update your Maritime account status via Self-Service.

Mailing Address:

SUNY Maritime College
Attn: Student Accounts
6 Pennyfield Ave
Throggs Neck, NY 10465
