Regiment of Cadets
“First and Foremost” is the cornerstone of the Regiment of Cadets and its leadership development program. A cadet-led leadership program, the Regiment of Cadets is a disciplined lifestyle program that prepares cadets for the rigors of maritime environments. It is not affiliated with the military and carries no service obligation.
Students in the Regiment of Cadets are referred to as cadets or student cadets. During the first year at Maritime College, students entering the Regiment of Cadets are referred to as a fourth-class cadet or Mariner Under Guidance (MUG). Second year are known as third-class cadets, third year as second-class cadets and senior year is known as the first-class. Cadets receive their class ranking based on the completion of their sea term training and/or cadet shipping experiences.
The Regiment of Cadets is designed to educate and train students to survive and thrive onboard a vessel. The Regiment of Cadets will help student cadets develop:
Poise and confidence
Pride in themselves and their profession
Knowledge of their professional duties
Sense of duty and moral and ethical responsibility
Military bearing and pride in their personal appearance
Physical fitness and mental agility
Creating Tomorrow's Leaders
A significant portion of the regimental program is to build leadership skills in student cadets, starting their first year on campus.
During MUG year, students learn to follow directions and work as part of a team. As their career progresses, they receive increasing amounts of responsibility for training, leading, and motivating younger students.
The Regiment of Cadets has exciting opportunities to get involved and to ensure a well-rounded campus experience including cadet leadership positions (or Rates), band, color guard, and honor guard. For more information on how to get involved, email asktheregiment@sunymaritime.edu.
During the first-class year, seniors serve as cadet officers with responsibility for maintaining discipline and overseeing day-to-day operations of the Regiment of Cadets both ashore and underway aboard the Training Ship Empire State VII.
Membership is required - pursuing a U.s. coast guard license
Students seeking to pursue a U.S. Coast Guard license must be a cadet in the Regiment of Cadets. There are certain academic programs at Maritime College that also require membership in the Regiment of Cadets. Students who pursue a license will be qualified to work onboard commercial vessels.
In addition to following the Regiment of Cadets established Rules and Regulations and participating in Regimental activities during the school year, cadets will also participate in three Summer Sea Terms aboard the College training ship, Empire State VII.
Membership is optional - Leadership and life skills
Students who choose not to work onboard a commercial vessel that seek the discipline and leadership training that the Regiment of Cadets offers may choose to join the Regiment of Cadets. Those students will be required to participate in and abide by all the Regiment of Cadets rules and regulations, including wearing a uniform and participating in Regimental activities.
Rather than participate in Summer Sea term aboard the Training Ship, Empire State VII, students will pursue at least one internship related to their academic major.
Commandant of Cadets & Command Cadre
Captain Adam M. Grohman
Commandant of Cadets
LCDR La’Quey Smith
Deputy Commandant of Cadets
LT Samantha Boyle
Regimental Training Officer and Veteran & Military Affairs Officer
LT Alex Fitzsimmons
2nd Battalion Officer
LT Shakeva Bootle
1st Battalion Regimental Officer
Lt Maciej “Matt” Marciczkiewicz
3rd Battalion Regimental Officer