The Centers of Excellence (Digital Scholarship, LNG, NYMIC, Offshore Energy, and Teaching) allow the College to push the boundaries between technology, product development, economic markets, and the education of “creative” and “flexible” students.
Center of Excellence for Offshore Energy
The Center of Excellence for Offshore Renewable Energy will deliver classroom and online training programs for wind operations, dynamic positioning and offshore vessel operations. The Center will serve as a research resource for offshore renewable energy. Learn more.
Liquid Natural Gas Center of Excellence
Working with industry partners, the Center will build out key processes and expertise across the college for LNG as a Clean Energy. The center will develop courses and encourage research in the area of LNG propulsion, cargo and bunkering operations, safety and compliance. Learn more.
Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence
The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFÉ) will ensure that every Maritime College faculty member receives opportunities and encouragement to enhance skills in disciplinary expertise, effective educational practices, and effective service practices and opportunities. Learn more.
Center for Digital Scholarship
The Center for Digital Scholarship supports and enhances faculty and student use of Digital Scholarship in teaching, research, and scholarship. The Center supplies training and workshops in Digital Scholarship methods and tools across the curriculum. Learn more.