Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Douglas Hasbrouck is the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and joined Maritime College as Executive Director of Development in 2018. His primary duties include the College’s fundraising and alumni relations programs, and he works closely with the Board of Directors of both the Maritime College Alumni Association and the SUNY Maritime Foundation. He is committed to cultivating partnerships and a campus culture of philanthropy that will provide the College with the financial foundation it needs to thrive.
Doug brings over 30 years of experience in academic fundraising and constituent relations. He was Vice President at Valley Forge Military Academy & College for four years, a consultant with the nationally-recognized firm of Bentz, Whaley, Flessner, and earlier in his career worked on four separate fundraising campaigns at Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr Colleges. A native of the Philadelphia region, he received a bachelor of arts from Hampshire College in Massachusetts