Faculty Governance

Faculty By-laws

Below is a selection of the By-Laws created for the governance of Maritime College. For further details on all subjects pertaining to this jurisdiction, please consult the Faculty By-Laws. An online version of the Faculty By-laws is available on the Privateernet (College Intranet) and requires login.

Faculty Handbook

Hard copies of the faculty handbook are available in the Provost’s Office. An online version of the faculty handbook is available on the Privateernet (College intranet) and requires login.


There shall be the following Standing Committees of the College faculty

  • Committee on Appointments and Promotions
  • Committee on Nominations and Elections
  • Curriculum Committee
  • Faculty Assessment Committee
  • Faculty Policies Committee
  • Student Policies Committee

Faculty Meetings

(a) Five regular meetings of the College faculty shall be held in each academic year. The first shall be held before the start of the Fall semester, the remaining to be held during the months of September, November, February and April.

(b) The first meeting of all standing committees shall be held immediately before the first regular meeting of the College faculty.

(c) Special meetings of the College faculty may be called by the Chancellor, Chair or Presiding Officer. Special meetings must be called by the Presiding Officer upon written application of ten percent of the members of the College faculty, within ten days of receipt of the application. The business of such special meetings shall be limited to the matter set forth in the application.

(d) A quorum shall be defined as 40% of the voting faculty, ignoring any fractional part.


(a) The method of voting shall conform to Robert's Rules of Order.

(b) The officers of the College faculty shall consist of a Chairperson, a Presiding Officer, an Assistant Presiding Officer and a Secretary. The President of the College shall be the Chair. The other officers shall be elected annually at the regular April meeting of the College faculty to serve for the ensuing academic year.

(c) There shall be an Executive Committee of the College faculty consisting of the four officers of the College faculty, the Chairpersons of all the Standing Committees of the College faculty, Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Faculty Senator.

(d) The College faculty, at a regular April meeting, shall elect a representative and alternate to the University Faculty Senate, in accordance with Article VII of the Policies of the Board of Trustees.

SUNY Faculty Senate

The SUNY Board of Trustees approved the creation of the University Faculty Senate on October 8, 1953. Article VII of the SUNY Policies of the Board of Trustees states "the Senate shall be the official agency through which the University Faculty engages in the governance of the University. The Senate shall be concerned with effective educational policies and other professional matters within the University."

A senator is elected every three years during campus-wide faculty elections, as is an alternate. The senator represents Maritime College at the quarterly Plenary Meetings.

More information regarding SUNY Faculty Senate is available here.

Faculty Officers

  • Chair: Admiral Joh Okon
  • Presiding Officer: Professor Patrick Delargy
  • Assistant President Officer: Professor A. Romain
  • Secretary: Professor In Hak Moon