MSCHE Announcements & Events at Maritime College
Steering Committee
The Maritime College MSCHE Steering Committee meets regularly throughout the Academic Year.
The initial meeting of the Steering Committee was held on March 13, 2020.
Meetings in the 2021-2021 academic year are held monthly: September 03,2020; October 08, 2020; November 03, 2020; January 28, 2021; February 23, 2021; March 18, 2021; and April 8, 2021. Meetings in the 2021-22 academic year continue, commencing on August 30, 2021, with a focus on revisions to the draft report and preparation for the MSCHE team visit.
Office Hours
Co-Chairs Dr. William J. Imbriale and Dr. Elissa De Falco held weekly office hours for Middle States Co-Chairs and Working Group members on Thursdays during the fall 2020, spring 2021 and fall 2021 semesters. Links via Microsoft Teams are emailed to Working Group Co-Chairs weekly and all members of the self-study process are welcome to drop in to discuss any questions or concerns.
College Community Events
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
At Faculty Assessment Day, Co-Chairs William J. Imbriale and Dr. Elissa De Falco addressed the community regarding the Self-Study Report process. Updates encompassed a wide variety of topics: the outstanding commitment and progress of the Steering Committee in creating the draft report; the fall and spring timelines, including the October visit of the Team Chair, Dr. Eric Darr; and upcoming opportunities for community feedback following the release of the draft report.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Co-Chairs Dean William J. Imbriale and Dr. Elissa De Falco invited faculty and staff to discuss the Middle States Self-Study Report. At this Faculty Workshop, part of a series during the weeklong return to campus, attendees were invited to share their thoughts on the reaccreditation process. Participants also discussed how accounts of our successes and concerns help shape the report.
Thursday, March 11, 2021, 3PM on Zoom
Dean William J. Imbriale & Professor Elissa De Falco invite you to a town hall meeting on the subject of Maritime College's Middle States Self-Study Report. Please join us as we discuss this process of communal self-reflection and assessment, necessary both to ensure reaccreditation and to work towards the best possible future for the College.
January 7, 2021
The Co-Chairs of Maritime College’s Middle States Self-Study Process addressed the assembled faculty and staff at the College’s bi-annual Faculty Assessment Day. The Co-Chairs thanked the Working Group Co-Chairs and Members on behalf of the College Community for their contribution to this vital effort on behalf of the College. Dr. Imbriale and Dr. De Falco also provided updates for the community on progress thus far, including details on the membership of the Working Groups and the upcoming events on the Self-Study timeline.
September 9, 2020
Dr. William J. Imbriale and Dr. Elissa De Falco, Co-Chairs of Maritime College’s Middle States Self-Study Report process, addressed the community at the College’s bi-annual Faculty Assessment Day. Officially kicking off the process within the wider community at this public event, the Co-Chairs announced the Working Group Co-Chairs, discussed the organizational structure of the Self-Study Steering Committee, and asked for volunteers from across campus to participate.
In addition, the Chairs discussed the Maritime College Self-Study Design, approved by the College’s Middle States VP Liaison, Dr. Sean McKitrick, and now published on the College website. The Design establishes out the College’s Institutional Priorities, as well as the policies and procedures in place to ensure the Self-Study Report is generated via a transparent and meaningful process.
February 26, 2020
Dean William J. Imbriale and Dr. Elissa De Falco delivered a presentation on Maritime College’s upcoming Self-Study Report for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) in the Stephen B. Luce Library (Bay 4). Dean Imbriale and Dr. De Falco are co-chairing the MSCHE process for the College; they presented their drafted Institutional Priorities in order to solicit feedback from the campus community.
If you are interested in attending Interested College community events, please contact the MSCHE Co-Chairs directly.