Celebrate Constitution Day virtually on Thursday, September 17, 2020 from 3-4 p.m.
This educational event will highlight voting rights and voting inclusion in American history. A LibGuide is available here.
To attend Constitution Day simply join by Zoom. For additional information, contact Dr. Mark Meirowitz at mmeirowitz@sunymaritime.edu
Wednesday, September 16
Student Poster Competition
Design the most memorable poster based on the theme of the history of voting rights and voting inclusion. Posters will be judged by Committee members for content and graphics. Deadline to submit: Monday, September 14. Use the template to submit your poster Sandra Hunt in the Humanities Department at shunt@sunymaritime.edu.
Congratulations to the Student Poster Competition Winners
First Place: Keri Campbell

Second Place: Aaron Guiterrez

8 p.m.
Virtual Zoom Film Event
PBS American Experience: The Vote
Access the Zoom link here.
Thursday, September 17
3 - 3:30 p.m.
Virtual Guest Speaker Professor Kim Wehle
Kim Wehle is an author, lawyer, law professor, and legal expert for CBS News, appearing on Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan. She has also been a guest on MSNBC, CNN, BBC, NPR, FoxNews, C-SPAN and PBS. Wehle is a contributor to Politico, The Atlantic, The Bulwark, and The Hill, and has written for the Baltimore Sun and Los Angeles Times. She is a former Assistant United States Attorney, Associate Independent Counsel in the Whitewater Investigation, and author of the book, How to Read The Constitution—and Why. Her new book is What You Need to Know about Voting—and Why, available now from Harper Paperbacks. Follow her on Twitter at @kimwehle.
3:30 - 4 p.m.
Constitution Day Trivia Contest
Join faculty, students and staff to see who really knows their history of voting rights and voting inclusion.
4 - 6 p.m.
Deliberative Dialogue
Register and interact with fellow students across the SUNY system about an array of topics on voting and the Constitution.
All Day
Twitter Contest
Tweet us at @MaritimeCollege using the hashtags #ItsMyTurn and #MaritimeConstitutionDay. A prize will be awarded to the best tweet on the topic of the history of voting rights and voting inclusion.