Fleet Week returns to Maritime College
For the third consecutive year, SUNY Maritime College will host a US Navy vessel during the annual NYC Fleet Week. A ship will be on campus and open to visitors May 23 - 27.
SUNY Maritime will host the USNS Burlington, an expeditionary fast transport vessel operated by Military Sealift Command.
See the registration options below. For any further questions regarding Fleet Week events, please contact Carlos Cano, Assistant Director of Admissions, at ccano@sunymaritime.edu.
Thursday & Friday, May 23 - 24
The ship will only be open to school groups and community based organizations from 9:00am to 2:30pm.
To schedule a visit, you must register in advance.
At this time, all registrations for groups is now closed.
While on campus and in addition to touring the Navy ship, students are also invited to:
Take a campus tour (optional) with staff from the Office of Admissions
Explore STEM at hands-on science stations (optional) on the East River
THURSday - Monday, May 23-27
The ship is open to group tours for the community (individuals & community-based organizations) on Thursday and Friday from 8:00am-9:00am & 3:00pm-4:00pm and again on Saturday, Sunday and Monday of Memorial Day Weekend from 8:00am-4:00pm.
Individuals may register as part of a large group to tour the ship.
In addition to touring an active Navy vessel, guests are welcome to:
Explore the beautiful Throggs Neck peninsula
Visit the Maritime Industry Museum in historic Fort Schuyler
Fishing permits are available to go fishing on campus. More information is here.