A: Increasing enrollment and retention is the number one strategic opportunity for the college's long-term fiscal wellness. We are laser-focused on mission-driven academic and applied learning offerings that ensure our students have access to the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the evolving global maritime industry. Underpinning revenue growth through increased enrollment and retention is the need to exercise fiscal discipline collectively. As outlined by the President at the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester, the following measures are already in effect:
- Essential Expenses Only. All expenses below $500 require the Business Office approval; expenses above $500 require the approval of the respective VP and the VP of Finance or President.
- Procurement Cards (P-Card). Procurement cards are zeroed out. There are a few exceptions for those tied to mission-critical functions. P-card purchases will be allowed on a case-by-case basis and will follow the guidelines for essential purchases.
- Business Travel. The campus continues to support necessary travel for campus operations. This includes recruitment efforts, team travel, and class field trips. Travel for professional development will be considered if a funding source other than state accounts and IFRs is used.
Payroll. Heavy attention will continue to be placed on vacancy management and all other personnel-related actions. Refilling vacant positions is not an automatic process and will be reviewed biweekly by the President and Cabinet. Positions will be considered if funded through a different funding source or offset, and only considered for positions required for the delivery of instruction, necessary to carry out the basic operations of the campus, health and life safety, or directly connected to a revenue generation initiative.
- Extra-Service. All extra service requires approval before the beginning of work and be justified with an emphasis on cost savings.
- Overtime. Only overtime for critical needs, health, and safety will be authorized. Prior approval from the Department Head and Business Office is required.
- Sabbaticals. Sabbaticals will not be supported at this time.