
More than 300 new students officially became members of the SUNY Maritime regiment of cadets Saturday in a ceremony on Reinhardt Field.

During the hour-long ceremony the students heard addresses from college president Rear Adm. Michael Alfultis, state Assemblyman Michael Benedetto and Capt. Rick Smith ’81, commandant of cadets and master of the training ship Empire State VI.

Organized into six sections, the students marched around the football field for their first pass in review, during which the regimental leadership inspected their comportment and uniforms.

The graduation ceremony was the culmination of the 10-day indoctrination program. The program helps incoming regimental students learn about the regiment of cadets, the college, training ship and many of the college’s traditions. They also take classes in sea survival, boat handling, seamanship and other topics designed to help them adjust to life on board commercial vessels.

Most of the students in the regiment of cadets are also pursuing a U.S. Coast Guard license, which allows them to navigate and operate commercial vessels. The regiment of cadets is a disciplined lifestyle program unaffiliated with the military.

Classes for the fall 2017 semester begin Monday, Aug. 28