Dr. Malureanu joined the science faculty at SUNY Maritime in 2005. Since then, she has developed and restructured several courses, including designing an online version of the Engineering Physics II lecture and working to include more marine environmental science topics to the Remote Sensing course. Her research focuses on magnetic systems with itinerant electrons, also known as weak ferromagnets, as well as dynamics of skyrmions, high-temperature superconductivity in iron pnictides and cuprates, molecular magnets, and dilute magnetic semiconductors
Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics, Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
M.S. Physics, Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
B.S. Solid State Physics, Bucharest University
“New magnetic phase diagram of (Sr,Ca)2RuO4”, Nature Materials 11, 323-328 (2012).
“Muon spin relaxation and susceptibility measurements of an itinerant-electron system Sr1-xCaxRuO3: Quantum evolution from ferromagnet to paramagnet”, Physical Review B 84, 224415 (2011).
“Phase separation and suppression of critical dynamics at quantum phase transitions of MnSi and (Sr1−xCax)RuO3“, Nature Physics, Vol 3, January 2007, p 29.
“Field dependence of Muon Spin Relaxation Rate in MnSi”, Physical Review Letters 90, 157201 (2003)
SUNY Center for Professional Development: Planning and Implementing an Assessment of Student Learning, and Assessment for Improvement of Teaching and Learning
SUNY Maritime Introduction to Online Teaching Certification Course
Member, American Physical Society (APS)
Member, APS Topical Group on Magnetism
Member, New York State Section of the American Physical Society
Engineering Physics I and II
General Physics I and II
Physics Laboratory
Materials Science I and II
Remote Sensing