Brightspace logo Brightspace Login Information


To access Brightspace:

• Navigate to Brightspace Login Page

  • Once accessing the SUNY D2L login page, click Network Login and type in your SUNY Maritime email and password (SSO).   
  • If it is your first time logging into D2L, the SUNY Secure Sign-On page will appear.  Drop down Maritime for campus and click Remember campus.   

If you have any questions or issues with your Maritime ID or Password, please contact the SUNY Maritime Help Desk; if you have issues with your courses, please contact the SUNY Online Help Desk

Once logged in within your courses are excellent resources and information about using Brightspace. 


Frequently Asked Questions for Students

I can’t see my class:

Has the semester started?

Brightspace classes are not made available until the semester start date.

Did you pay?

It can take up to 24 business hours after payment for classes to appear. If it has been 24 business hours since you paid, there may be other issues including holds on your record, or technical issues. If you can’t see your class, contact the Registrar office at (718) 409-7400.

When did you register?

If you registered on the last possible day, it could take an additional 24 business hours for your class(s) to appear.

Are you taking a face-to-face or an online class?

If your class is supplemental, the instructor may have disabled it.