Mailroom Hours of Operation
Vander Clute Hall, First Floor
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
5 p.m. - 9 p.m.
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Address Format for Student Mail
Use the following address format when sending mail to students:
John Doe (Room #)
SUNY Maritime College
6 Pennyfield Avenue
Bronx, NY 10465
The Office of Residential Life will not provide room numbers. This information must be obtained directly from the person on campus who is being sent mail/packages. Please note that a name discrepancy may cause a delay. The room number is helpful in the event another student on campus has a similar name. If the room number is not included, both students will be contacted and required to show proof of tracking to determine who is the rightful recipient of the package in question.
DOs and DONT's
Do write the student’s full name when sending correspondence to the college. This will help to ensure that mail is given to the correct student. Students are required to present their IDs when picking up their mail: the name on the ID and mail must match.
Do request tracking numbers for each package prior to sending it to the college.
Do coordinate pick-up times directly with companies (e.g., Amazon Fresh and InstaCart) to meet them on campus. Central receiving areas on campus will not receive these types of deliveries.
Do not use nicknames as this may cause significant delays in determining the correct recipient on campus. This also includes the use of titles such as “cadet,” “officer,” etc. [i.e. Cadet/Officer Doe]. Only use the student’s first and last name.
Do not send money through the mail.
Do not send perishables. The college does not have the ability to accommodate refrigeration requests.
- Write the recipient’s name in a non-cursive font as cursive writing may be difficult to read and cause significant delays resulting in the mail being returned to the sender.
- Mail delivered to the college is sent to the college’s two central receiving areas first, not the student mail room. Upon being sorted, mail is then delivered to the student mail room. The process may take 1-3 days depending on the amount of mail received by the college.
- Mail is not delivered to the campus during non-business hours (i.e. weekends, evenings, etc.) and the college will not be able to receive and sort mail until the next available business day. Please keep this in mind when ordering any item being sent to the college. It is recommended not to overnight or rush deliver mail as there is no guarantee the mail will reach the student on the expected delivery day.
- Once mail is received and logged in at the student mail room, students will receive an email from Students are encouraged to wait until they receive an email to avoid multiple trips to the mail room.
- The student mail room is for students who are housed on campus. Mail received for any other student will be returned, as that student is not included in the mailing system. The EZTrackIt system is used to send notifications to students, and the roster is uploaded every semester with the names of those students who live on campus.
- The student mail room does not send outgoing mail. Outgoing mail may be dropped off in the blue USPS mailboxes across campus. Packages may be dropped off at one of the central receiving areas, depending on their carrier. The student/sender is responsible for supplying the postage.
- USPS – Staff mail room, located across from the student mail room
- UPS, FedEx, Amazon, DHL – Warehouse, located in Facilities Row
For questions regarding student mail, please contact or call (718) 409-7488