Maritime College Students,


Welcome to the start of a new academic year - it is great to see the campus return to life with the start of classes!  As your new President, I want to be the first to extend a warm welcome to each of you, whether you are returning to Maritime College after the summer or joining us for the first time. 


As you navigate the opportunities and challenges of the year ahead, I encourage you to give your best effort in all that you do. There is an old saying: if you fail to execute, you are just cheating yourself and your future. Stay engaged and on top of your studies. Engage and participate actively in campus life and make the most of the unique experiences that Maritime College offers. Trust me, as a 1991 alumnus, time goes by quickly at Fort Schuyler!  


Remember, you are not alone on this voyage.  We are a family and are here to support each other.  If you find yourself in need of support—be it academic, emotional, or otherwise—do not hesitate to seek help.  We have a wide range of services and resources designed to assist you, and there is always someone ready to lend a hand. 


I also urge you to be mindful and respectful of the community we are all part of.  The foundation of Maritime is dignity and respect for all.  An unwavering commitment to respect others and our shared values is essential. Whether you are Traditional or Regiment, look out for one another, contribute to fostering a welcoming and safe environment in every thought, word, and action, and be the kind of individual others can rely on.


This year is full of potential, and to say Valerie and I are excited is an understatement.  I am confident that, together with Faculty and Staff, we will make it one to remember.  Let’s set sail with loyalty, valor, and a commitment to excellence.


With Utmost Admiration,




Rear Admiral, USN (RET), USMS, ‘91


Students First – Maritime Always