Daniel Fridline is a Professor in the the Engineering Department.
- Computational mechanics of materials
- Finite element analysis
- Fatigue and fracture of metallic and composite structures
- Structural health monitoring
Owner and Principal, Matrix Technologies, LLC, New York, NY
Manager of Engineering, STRAAM Corporation, New York, NY
Principal Research Engineer, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Bethpage, NY
Senior Project Manager, CAE Associates, Woodbury, CT
Nuclear Machinist Mate, Submarines, USS Baltimore (SSN-704)
John M. Papazian, Elias L. Anagnostou, Robert J. Christ, Jr., Stephen J. Engel, Daniel Fridline, David Hoitsma, John Madsen, Jerrell Nardiello, Joel Payne, William Pember, Robert P. Silberstein, Paul C. Hoffman, Alysha M. Roerden and Glenn Werczynski; “Full-scale Fatigue Test of a Retired EA-6B Outer Wing Panel”, to be published in International Journal of Fatigue, November 2009.
J.C. Newman Jr., B. Jordan, E.L. Anagnostou, D. Fridline, David Rusk: “Fatigue and Crack-Growth Analyses on Specimens Simulating Details In Wing Panels Of Naval Aircraft”, Aging Aircraft 2008.
John M. Papazian, Elias L. Anagnostou, Stephen J. Engel, Daniel R. Fridline, David H. Hoitsma, John S. Madsen, Robert P. Silberstein, James B. Whiteside: “Structural Integrity Prognosis,” ICAF 2007, Durability and Damage Tolerance of Aircraft Structures: Metals vs. Composites, Proceedings 24th Symposium, L. Lazzeri and A. Salvetti, eds., Naples, Italy, pp. 109-125, 16-18 May 2007.
J. M. Papazian, E. L. Anagnostou, S. Engel, D. Fridline, D. Hoitsma, J. Madsen, J. Nardiello, R. Silberstein, G. Welsh, J. B. Whiteside. “SIPS, A Structural Integrity Prognosis System.” IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 3-10, 2007.
Peter Barrett and Daniel Fridline. “User Implemented Nitinol Material Model in ANSYS” ANSYS Users Conference, May 24-26, 2004.
Daniel Fridline and Allan Bower. “Numerical Simulations of Stress Induced Void Evolution and Growth In Interconnects'”. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 91. 2002