SUNY Maritime College Announces the Launch of its Sesquicentennial Podcast Series –

“The Empire State VII – Brought Safely into Port – The Story”

SUNY Maritime College is pleased to announce the launch of its new Sesquicentennial (150th Anniversary) Podcast Series which will focus on the history, landmark events, and future plans and prospects for Maritime College.

The first podcast in the series (now posted on the Maritime website) is entitled “The Empire State VII – Brought Safely into Port – The Story” and features an interview with SUNY Maritime’s President, Admiral Michael Alfultis, by Podcast Series Moderator, SUNY Maritime College Humanities Professor, Dr. Mark Meirowitz.

In the podcast, Admiral Alfultis tells the story of the Empire State VII and the many challenges that needed to be overcome in order to bring this amazing vessel safely into port. The Admiral’s efforts (including 40 trips to DC in 4 years – essentially one trip a month) saw fruition in 2023 with the arrival at Maritime College of the Empire State VII, the first of five National Security Multi-Missions Vessels (NSMV’s) built by the federal government for the State Maritime Academies.

These vessels will be critical to ensuring the cadets at Maritime College (and the other state maritime academies) will have a platform for training reflective of the modern merchant marine. The Empire State VII is a first class, state of the art, vessel that has already focused national and international attention on the vital function of the merchant marine, and the mission of SUNY Maritime College. There were many challenges and obstacles to overcome, including obtaining funding for the project, the advent of COVID-19 just at the point when construction on the ship was beginning and other complex challenges, all of which Admiral Alfultis comments on in the podcast.

The next podcast planned for the series will be an interview with the Empire State VII’s Master, Captain Morgan McManus, and the Chief Cadet Officer (CCO) to discuss the adventures and outcomes of the first Summer Sea Term (SST) to Europe on the Empire State VII during Summer 2024.

Future podcasts will focus on milestone events in the history of Maritime College, as well as the achievements of Maritime’s extraordinary faculty, staff and students.

Keep your Podcast Channel tuned to Maritime College!



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