may 14, 2021
On May 10, the SUNY Chancellor issued an announcement that all SUNY students who will be attending campus in-person this fall must be vaccinated against COVID-19 before returning to campus. It should be noted that the following steps would still need to happen for this vaccination mandate to take effect: The FDA would have to provide full approval of the vaccines, and the SUNY Board of Trustees would also have to vote to adopt the policy.
In his statement, the Chancellor indicated, “Over the past several weeks, we have been working with our SUNY community to develop the best plan to make sure we can return to full reopening in the fall and turn the page on COVID. The State’s new vaccination requirement – contingent with full FDA approval – would be another step in restoring normal campus activity this fall.”
Maritime College is awaiting further guidance from SUNY on this vaccination mandate and other recent changes to CDC guidelines and recommendations. We will share this information on this web page and ask that you continue to monitor this page for the most up-to-date information.
We appreciate the many faculty, staff and students who have received their COVID-19 vaccine and encourage those who have not been vaccinated to schedule an appointment. As in the past year, our priority for the upcoming fall semester will focus on ensuring the health and safety of each Maritime College student, faculty and staff member.
Please join this community vaccination effort.
March 3, 2021
Ensuring Health & Safety During Summer Sea Term 2021
COVID-19 continues to pose a significant risk to the successful execution of A and B cruises. As Summer Sea Term (including pre-cruise) begins immediately after spring semester final examinations, all cadets participating in the first half of SST (A cruise) will need to have received the COVID-19 vaccine. An outbreak on A cruise could lead to suspension/cancelation of the cruise, negatively impacting both the A and B cruises. The accrual of sea time would be insufficient, class grades would be affected, and the Sea Term would have to be made up in 2022.
Presently, over 700 cadets who registered for SST-21 have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Cadets who registered for SST-21 and choose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine will be deferred to the B cruise. B cruise begins at the end of June and will adhere to the same COVID protocols for unvaccinated personnel in the U.S. Navy, other state maritime academies, and the maritime industry. Specifically, unvaccinated persons will undergo additional quarantine and screening (pre-cruise), maintain strict COVID protocols for the entire cruise (masks, social distancing, etc.), and will be required to remain on the ship through the end of post cruise (unvaccinated persons will not be allowed ashore in any ports).
January 29, 2021
A Message from the Dean of Student Affairs
In line with guidance from the State University of New York and to help combat the spread of COVID-19, SUNY Maritime College will commence mandatory weekly testing of all students starting next week on Monday, February 1, 2021. All students who attend Maritime College in person in any capacity (through classes, extracurricular activities, on campus employment, or other reasons) will be required to participate in this program on a weekly basis.
To accommodate the increase in testing, Maritime College will provide additional staffing, expanded hours, and email/text reminders for appointments. Testing slots will now be offered Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM in the Main Gymnasium in Riesenberg Hall. Individuals with accessibility needs should enter the gymnasium from the rear of Riesenberg Hall near the turf field stands.
Students exempted from testing include the following:
Students who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the last three months
Students currently in isolation or quarantine
Students who are not on campus for any reason (i.e. students attending entirely remotely)
Students who have otherwise been exempted from testing by Health Services or the Dean of Student Affairs
*Update: Individuals who have been vaccinated are NOT exempt from weekly testing*
Students will need to book their weekly appointment through the Calendly link below. Students may schedule appointments up to seven days in advance. Please bookmark this webpage for future reference. Instructions for testing are in the link below in the left hand column.
Schedule your COVID-19 testing appointment here
Students who do not participate in weekly testing will be subject to judicial sanctioning, up to and including possible suspension from the College.
Thank you so much in advance for doing your part to keep Maritime College safe!
Dean I.
William J. Imbriale, Ph.D.
Dean of Student Affairs
january 11, 2021
Preparing for Move-in Day, January 17
Dear Students,
This message is intended for students from New York and contiguous states moving into their residence halls on Sunday, January 17. It contains important information on actions you must take in preparation for move in. Some information has changed, so please read closely:
If you are located in New York or a contiguous state and are moving in on Sunday, January 17, please do the following:
You must be conducting a precautionary quarantine as of yesterday, Sunday January 10.
Log onto the Campus Clear app on you mobile device and log your health daily. (Tip: make sure to enable push notifications so you are reminded each day).
Make an appointment to get tested for COVID-19 within three days of arriving on campus (i.e. January 14). We recommend contacting testing centers, local hospitals, pharmacies, urgent care facilities, and general practitioners to make an appointment ahead of time.
If you receive a positive COVID-19 test result or cannot secure a testing appointment, please contact Health Services (718-409-5424).
On move in day, you must bring two physical documents with you:
A completed and signed attestation form.
A physical copy (not electronic/cell phone) of your COVID-19 negative or pending test result.
All students returning to campus on Sunday, January 17 will be required to check in with Health Services in Riesenberg Hall prior to getting their room key from Housing. All students moving in on the 17 will also complete pool testing the week beginning January 18, in accordance with SUNY requirements. Additional instructions on pool testing will be forthcoming. Please note that students moving in on January 17 will only need to continue their quarantine on campus if directed to do so by Health Services.
Please continue to be safe and vigilant throughout this time. If you have any additional questions, you may contact Housing & Residential Life ( or Health Services (
William J. Imbriale, Ph.D.
Dean of Student Affairs
December 9, 2020
Dear Students,
In planning the return to campus this January for the Spring Term, the first priority is the health and safety of our campus community, including students, faculty, and staff. The purpose of this email is to share our current plan for the Spring Term.
Please keep in mind, “The plan today is the plan today.” This plan may change based on COVID-19 conditions, and as well as any Executive Orders issued by the Governor’s Office, or any new guidance issued by the New York Department of Health, SUNY, or other appropriate New York State agencies.
Return to Campus Spring 2021
Classes will start on Friday, January 8. For the first two weeks, classes will be completely remote. Transition to face-to-face instruction is planned to take place on Monday, January 25.
Students will return to campus in four phases. Regardless of the phase, SUNY Policy requires all students to complete the following in order to return to campus:
Conduct a precautionary self-quarantine for seven days before returning to campus to minimize potential exposure to COVID-19. This includes:
Staying at home to the greatest extent possible
Wearing PPE when in public
Avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people. Even in small gatherings, practice social distancing and wear a face mask.
Submit the Health Attestation/Pre-screen form that attests completion of a seven-day precautionary self-quarantine. The attestation also includes a pre-screen for travel history, COVID-19 history, and COVID-19 symptoms for the two (2) weeks before returning to campus.
Present evidence of a negative COVID-19 test taken within three days prior to return.
No student will be permitted to return to campus, access their residence hall room, or start classes without these documents.
Students who present a positive diagnostic result for COVID-19 and have completed the required quarantine during the prior 3-month period are exempt from the testing requirement.
Below is the specific information for each phase:
PHASE 1 (U.S. Coast Guard License Examination participants): Students participating in the USCG License Examination (January 11-15) will return to campus on Wednesday, January 6. Students must bring the required documents (Health Attestation/Pre-screen Form and COVID-19 test result). Students will be tested upon arrival and will not be permitted to sit for the examination if they do not receive a negative test result. Students are not permitted to depart campus until after they complete the USCG examination. Students who leave campus before the end of the USCG examination will not be permitted to finish the examination and will be referred to judicial process.
PHASE 2 (Residential students from non-contiguous states): Residential students returning from states other than NY, NJ, PA, CT, or international locations must comply with the NYS Travel advisory quarantine requirements. Those students desiring to complete a seven-day quarantine on campus in their assigned rooms must return to campus on Sunday, January 10. To quarantine on campus, students must arrive on campus with a negative COVID-19 test result. Students will be tested again on Wednesday, January 13. Student Health Services will release students from quarantine once a student receives a negative test result. Students who test positive will remain in quarantine in a designated quarantine/isolation room. Quarantine students must abide by the SUNY Maritime College requirements (coordinated with the local DOH) for quarantine.
PHASE 3 (Residential students from NY and contiguous states): All residential students from NY, NJ, PA, and CT will return to campus on Sunday, January 17. Students must bring the required documents (Health Attestation/Pre-screen Form and COVID-19 test result). Students will be tested within five days after arriving on campus.
PHASE 4 (Commuter students): Commuter students may return to campus starting Monday, January 25. Commuter students must bring the required documents (Health Attestation/Pre-screen Form and COVID-19 test result). Students will not be permitted to start classes or utilize services unless they have provided the required documentation.
Travel Advisory Quarantine Requirements
All students and employees must follow the New York State DOH Travel Advisory guidance that requires all travelers entering New York from a state that is not contiguous, or from a CDC Level 2 or 3 Travel Health Notice country, quarantine for a period of 14 days, unless:
For travelers who traveled outside of New York for more than 24 hours, such travelers must obtain testing within 72 hours before arrival in New York, and
Such travelers must, upon arrival in New York, quarantine according to Department of Health guidelines, for a minimum of three days, measured from time of arrival, and on day four may seek a diagnostic test to exit quarantine after receipt of the second negative diagnostic test. Exceptions to the travel advisory may apply to essential employees.
As previously discussed, residential students may apply to conduct their 7-day quarantine on campus starting January 10. Housing will provide additional information regarding how to register for quarantine.
Commuter students (who are international students or students from non-contiguous states) must follow the NY State Advisory quarantine requirements and provide documentation that they complied with NY State Requirements Travel Advisory requirements.
Maritime College Spring Schedule
The table below summarizes the current schedule for the Spring Term, which is subject to change. It reflects the phased return of students to campus. In planning any return travel, it is strongly recommended that students purchase refundable tickets.
Jan 6 |
Phase 1: USCG License Examination participants return to campus for testing |
Jan 8 |
Classes start. All classes remote Jan 8 - Jan 22 |
Jan 10-16 |
Phase 2: Quarantine period for non-contiguous states residential students requiring to quarantine and international students |
Jan 10 |
Returning students and faculty commence 7-day precautionary self-quarantine at home |
Jan 11-15 |
USCG License Examination |
Jan 13 |
COVID testing for residential students quarantining on-campus |
Jan 17-18 |
Phase 3: All remaining residential students (NY state and contiguous states) return to campus – tested within 5 days |
Jan 18 |
MLK Holiday – No Classes |
Jan 19/20 |
Residential Student COVID testing |
Jan 25 |
Commence face-to-face instruction |
Jan 25/26 |
Phase 4: Commuter Students return/COVID testing |
Jan 29 |
January Commencement Ceremony (Virtual) |
Apr 9 |
Last day of classes |
Apr 12-16 |
Final Examinations |
Apr 22-26 |
Summer Sea Term Pre-cruise |
Apr 23 |
Commencement |
Apr 27 |
TS Empire State VI Departs |
Maritime College has submitted its plan for the spring term to SUNY Administration and is awaiting approval to begin face-to-face classes one week earlier than the SUNY prescribed February 1 date. Regardless of the date set for face-to-face instruction (Jan 25), it is critical to start classes on January 8. This allows for the accommodation of a 130-day Summer Sea Term and ensures students in the license program accumulate the required sea time needed to graduate on time.
Per SUNY policy, there will be no Spring break or other spring holiday periods.
Additional Information
In the coming weeks, we will share more information regarding pre-return testing, isolation, pre-screening/health attestation, the USCG examination, residential move-in, student services and instruction mode. It is essential to monitor your emails and refer to the COVID-19 Update/Restart webpage.
I am confident that if we, once again, adhere to established protocols and return to campus and testing requirements, we can safely finish the academic year. As you may recall, last semester Maritime College administered 4,553 tests with a total of 19 positive cases (0.42%). SUNY (all 64 campuses) has administered over half-a-million tests with a 0.51% positive test result rate.
We all want our campus to remain as safe and productive as possible during the Spring Term. This begins with each of us applying the same level of diligence and dedication to all of the established protocols. We all must continue to make safe decisions and smart decisions.
Included below are frequently asked questions with responses that you may find helpful.
Good luck with final exams, and best wishes for a healthy, safe, and joy-filled holiday season.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. If I am a residential student, can I move in earlier than my assigned phase?
A. No. In order to provide a safe place for students under quarantine, you must move in on the assigned date. If you have extenuating circumstances, please contact housing.
All students MUST check-in on their appointed date during Health Services operation hours (8 AM to 4 PM). No student will be permitted to check-in outside of these operational hours. While this timeframe may pose some difficulties, the safety of all students is of priority and no exceptions can be made at this time. Additionally, any student who assists another student in gaining access to a room without following proper procedures will face judicial action, which may result in immediate removal from housing.
Q. Will there be food service available for students taking the USCG Test and for residential students required to quarantine?
A. Yes. Details will be provided separately.
Q. If I test positive after my return to campus or if I am exposed to someone with COVID-19, can I stay?
A. Yes. We will follow the same quarantine and contact tracing protocols that were in place this past fall.
Q. When can I expect to see a credit (for returning students) on my student account or a refund (non-returning students) from the Fall 2020 semester?
A. Bills for the Spring Term have been sent. Student Accounts is currently processing credits and refunds for eligible students. Please work with Financial Aid and student accounts if you are experiencing financial difficulties to determine financial aid and payment options.
November 23, 2020
Weekly COVID-19 Update
Dear Campus Community,
Last week, out of 881 tests for COVID-19, three tested positive (0.34%). Over the past two weeks, our Health Services conducted over 1,700 COVID tests to comply with the SUNY testing requirement for all students to be tested prior to Thanksgiving. I appreciate those employees who were tested over the past two weeks either on or off-campus. Thanks to all who participated in testing and for keeping you, your family, friends, community, and our campus safe.
Students who fail to be tested are being referred to the judicial process and face potential sanctions as outlined in the SUNY Uniform Sanctions policy.
Maritime College has administered 4,553 tests this academic year to date and had a total of 19 positive tests (0.42%). SUNY system-wide (64 campuses) has administered over half-a-million tests with a 0.51% positive test result rate.
Just because you are now home, don’t assume that you are safe from the virus. The seven day rolling average for percent of positive infections is now at its highest point since the end of June. The virus does not care whether you are home or with family and friends. Follow the guidelines regarding small gatherings (less than 10 people), wear face coverings, practice good hygiene, social distance, and avoid places known to be key sources for spreading the virus: restaurants, bars, gyms, and private home gatherings.
Here are summaries of the COVID-19 Dashboards with links that provide additional details:
- External Metrics- Percent of COVID Positive Tests (7-day rolling average)
Note: All stats remain below the NYS Department of Health guidance for educational institutions to open (<5%). We are monitoring the NY State and NYC hot spots.
- SUNY-Wide Metrics (Rolling 7 Days)
- Total Tests: 77,766
- Total Positive Tests: 427
- Percent of Positive Tests: 0.55% (-0.16%)
The SUNY COVID Case Tracker dashboard offers more information.
- Internal Campus COVID-19 Case Tracker (Rolling 7 Days):
- Total On-Campus Tests Administered: 842
- Total On-Campus Administered COVID Positive Tests: 2
- Percent of On-Campus Administered COVID Positive Tests: 0.34% (+0.04)
- Total Off-Campus Tests: 39
- Total Off-Campus Positives: 1
- Total On and Off-Campus Tests 881
- Total On and Off-Campus Positives: 3
- Percent of On-and Off-Campus Positives: 0.34% (-0.02)
Note: Numbers are below SUNY guidelines for changing to remote instruction (100).
Last week, four students were referred to the judicial process to face possible sanctions for violating the College's COVID health and safety protocols. To date, 44 students have been referred.
To report any violations of the College's COVID health and safety protocols, or if you have concerns/suggestions regarding COVID-19, please email or call the hotline (718-409-5985). We continue to receive many concerns and useful suggestions and appreciate your reports and feedback.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
November 18, 2020
Pause of On-Campus Operations
Dear Maritime College Community,
We have been closely monitoring the current increase in COVID-19 positive cases in the Bronx and the counties and regions where most of our students reside. In New York State the rate has tripled (from 1.0% to 3.2%) since the end of October. The positivity rate in New Jersey is 9%, and in Connecticut, it is 5%. Based on the increase in positivity rates, it is highly likely that there will be a significant increase in the positivity rate on campus after the Thanksgiving break.
To date, we have been highly successful in controlling the outbreak of COVID-19 on our campus due to your vigilance and compliance with the established safety protocols, coupled with our aggressive surveillance testing. I could not be more proud of the efforts of our faculty, staff, and students which have allowed us to complete 12 weeks of face-to-face instruction this semester.
However, as we consider the growing number of COVID-19 cases in the tri-state area and across the country, the start of the flu season, and the anticipated spike after the Thanksgiving holiday, it is necessary for us to take additional precautions to minimize risk to our campus community.
Upon consultation with and the advice of academic and administrative leadership, Maritime College will pause on-campus operations starting Monday, November 30. Additional information is provided below:
Academic Instruction
As previously announced in early October, all classes will be taught remotely beginning Monday, November 23. Final exams will be administered remotely. Instructors were advised at the start of the fall term to complete all face-to-face assessments before Thanksgiving. There may be individual cases where this is not possible. In general, small face-to-face interactions may continue to occur on campus after the Thanksgiving break on a case-by-case basis, but with strict limits to the numbers of individuals involved.
Residential Housing
All resident students must vacate residential housing not later than Monday, November 23. Exceptions:
Residential students who have not had a COVID test since November 9, per the SUNY requirement for all students to test before Thanksgiving. These students must be tested and test negative before departing campus.
Residential students currently in quarantine or isolation on-campus must remain in quarantine/isolation until cleared by Health Services and DOH.
Residential students who cannot return home due to extenuating circumstances will be allowed to remain on campus. Students must apply to Housing to stay on campus. Approved students must comply with mandatory testing requirements and sign an acknowledgment of rules that will govern their stay. Students authorized to remain on campus will not receive a refund for dormitory charges and will be charged for the winter break period.
Housing will provide additional information regarding check-out procedures. NOTE: Students who do not follow the guidance regarding check out or mandatory COVID-19 testing will not receive a housing refund and will not be permitted to return to housing after winter break.
Food service will be available for students in quarantine/isolation. Students permitted to remain on campus will have access to off-campus food delivery services.
Please address questions regarding housing to
Refund Policy
The College plans to credit dormitory fees and meal plans at a pro-rated amount for students returning for the spring semester. For students not returning next semester, a pro-rated refund will be provided. Student Accounts will notify students when details regarding credits/refunds are available.
Student Services and Activities
All student services will continue to be provided face-to-face or virtually, including health services and mental health counseling, tutoring, library, services for students with disabilities, international student services, Title IX, and others. Student Affairs will provide more information on these services
As of Monday, November 23, there will be no student activities, and the fitness facilities and gym will be closed.
Training Ship Operations
Opportunities for ship workdays and shipboard watches for Cadets who want to make up sea time will be allowed from the Thanksgiving break through the winter break, as long as it is safe to do so in small groups. No more than 10 Cadets will be allowed on the ship at any given time. A separate email will be sent detailing how to sign-up for workdays and shipboard watches. Please contact
Employees are encouraged to work with their immediate supervisors to balance health and safety, reduced density, and social distancing with the need for the continuity of on-campus operations. Some departments may find that a combination of working remotely and reporting physically may work best for their operation. In these instances, supervisors are encouraged to consider alternating dates among employees physically reporting to work. Where management determines it to be operationally feasible or necessary, telecommuting shall be assigned or approved for employees to the greatest extent possible. If you already have a telecommuting application and enrollment process that is working, you may continue to use it. Any pre-existing telecommuting programs will revert to their regular guidelines upon expiration of the Pilot Programs. Questions may be directed to the Office of Human Resource Services at
As always, the safety and welfare of our students, faculty, and staff remain my top priority. Please continue to monitor your email and the College’s COVID-19 webpage for additional information regarding departure from campus and re-starting Spring term campus operations and instruction.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
November 16, 2020
Summer Sea Term 2021 Update
Maritime College Community,
I know there are many questions and concerns regarding Summer Sea Term, and I know many of our students are trying to weigh their options and make decisions regarding Summer 2021. In an effort to help students in their decision making, I would like to provide the following answers to some common questions. Again, please remember, the plan today is the plan today. It may not be the plan tomorrow.
Will there be a Summer 2021 Sea Term?
The College is firmly committed to doing all it can to provide cadets in our merchant marine licensing programs the sea time they need to graduate. We will continue to work with SUNY, the Coast Guard, MARAD, and industry advisors to plan and execute a safe Summer 2021 Sea Term.
What will be the health and safety protocols for the Summer 2021 Sea Term?
Health and safety protocols will depend on the status of the COVID-19 virus and the availability of a vaccine for the crew and cadets participating in Sea Term, and will be based on guidance from the CDC, US Coast Guard, MARAD, New York State, SUNY, and industry “best practices.”
What will be the length of the Summer 2021 Sea Term?
There will be two 67-day legs.
What are the dates for the Summer 2021 Sea Term?
Cruise A
Pre-Cruise 22 April – 26 April 2021
Ship Departs 27 April 2021 @1000
Ship Returns* 25 June 2021 @1000
Post Cruise 26 June – 27 June 2021
Cruise B
Pre-cruise 26 June – 30 June 2021
Ship Departs 1 July 2021 @1000
Ship Returns 29 August 2021 @1000
Post Cruise 30 August – 31 August
*Empire State VI will return to SUNY Maritime College between Cruise A and B for the switch out of cadets
Why was the format for Sea Term changed from two 50-day legs to two 67-day legs?
The “traditional” Summer Sea Term model (two 50-day legs) does not provide the combination of enough berths and sea days for all 1/c, 2/c, and 3/c cadets to make up for the lost Summer 2020 Sea Term, and for our newest class of 4/c cadets to maintain their progress in our licensing programs. Two 67-day legs provide the right combination of berths and sea days needed for all four classes of cadets to sail and earn sea days this summer.
Will there be any ports for the Summer 2021 Sea Term?
We are still planning on calling on ports as part of the Summer 2021 Sea Term. Cruise A and B will have the same three ports. A final decision regarding ports will be based on health and safety concerns for the crew and cadets.
What the Summer 2021 Sea Term cost?
We anticipate costs ranging between $8,000 and $10,000 for a 67-day cruise. This is a preliminary estimate for planning purposes only. There are many volatile factors affecting the final costs including changes in the cost of fuel, additional COVID-related costs (e.g., quarantine, testing, vaccine, ship sanitization), and number of cadets who will be participating in the Summer 2021 Sea Term. Final costs will be published the end of January or early February 2021.
Will students be able to choose which cruise (A or B) to sail for the Summer 2021 Sea Term?
Due to the limited berths relative to the number of cadets needing sea time, cadets will be assigned to either cruise A or B. 1/c requiring a 1/c cruise to graduate will be put on Cruise A. Any 1/c returning to Maritime College in the Fall 2021 semester may be assigned to Cruise B to allow balanced class sizes and leadership. The current 4/c (INDOC 2020) will be assigned to Cruise B. Those 3/c and 2/c who opt to do one cruise will be assigned to either A or B at the discretion of the Master, to manage the numbers and balance out classes on the ship, as well as to balance the cost factors. Limited License Students will be assigned to Cruise A, allowing them to participate in the Cadet Shipping Program the second half of the summer. There may be some (limited) opportunity for cadets to request re-assignment to a different cruise. This will be determined after registration is completed and the full class numbers can be assessed by the Summer Sea Term committee.
Will there be opportunities to complete a 134-day “double cruise?”
Opportunities to complete a “double cruise” will be limited due to the demand for berths. Double cruise will be limited to those cadets who need to make up for the loss of the Summer 2020 Sea Term. For example, cadets who need to make up for their 2/c cruise and then complete their 1/c cruise, or for cadets who need to make up their 3/c cruise and then complete their 2/c cruise. The double cruise option is not for getting ahead. Cadets wishing to complete a double cruise must complete all prerequisites for both cruises.
Cadets (and their families) considering a “double cruise” should carefully weigh the potential impacts before registering for two cruises. First, weighing the positive and negative impacts of a “double cruise” and graduating in May versus a single cruise and delaying graduation until July. For example, cadets completing a “double cruise” will be at sea for the entire four-month period between the end of classes in April and the start of classes in September. This would be very demanding even for the most seasoned and experienced mariner. What are the potential negative impacts on performance during the following academic semester? Completing a double cruise may not help students graduate on time if they fail a course in the fall that is required for graduation. In addition, the financial impacts of funding both cruises, and the lost opportunity costs of not being able to work over a portion of the summer, should be carefully considered.
When will eligible 1/C be able to sit for their Coast Guard license exam?
1/c Cadets who have completed all other requirements except 1/c cruise (MT/ENGR 530) will test once the ship returns from the first leg in anticipation of a July graduation. (Note: exact dates will need to be set around July 4th holiday).
Cadets who have completed all other requirements except 2/C cruise (MT/ENGR 520) and 1/c cruise (MT/ENGR 530) and who plan to complete both legs in 2021, will test once the ship returns from the second leg in anticipation of a September graduation.
1/c cadets who have academic requirements remaining after SST 2021 and can graduate in January or May 2022, will test in December 2021.
I hope this information is helpful. We will continue to provide timely updates, as necessary, to help everyone in their decision-making for Summer 2021.
october 16, 2020
Transition to Remote Learning
Last week, the College announced that all classes would transition to remote learning after Thanksgiving as a proactive pre-emptive health and safety measure in response to the increasing spread of the coronavirus across the country and the start of flu season. This email is intended to provide more information to help everyone plan accordingly.
Remote Classes
All classes will shift to remote learning on Monday, November 23. This allows ample time for students who plan on traveling for the holiday to do so the weekend before Thanksgiving and be fully prepared to begin remote classes. Instructors were advised at the start of the fall term to complete all assessments before Thanksgiving and be prepared to shift entirely to remote learning after the break. There may be individual cases where this is not possible. In general, small face-to-face interactions may continue to take place on campus after the Thanksgiving break on a case-by-case basis, but with strict limits to the numbers of individuals involved.
Residence Halls
The College is not closing, and no one is required to move out of the residence halls. Although we are shifting to remote learning and no face-to-face classes will be held, residence halls will remain open. We encourage all students (except those traveling to/from restricted states or internationally) to return to the College after the Thanksgiving break to finish the last two weeks of classes, complete any course projects, and prepare for finals. As described below, the College will provide a safe and supportive environment.
If a student does not plan to return to campus after Thanksgiving, the Residence Hall Advisor (RA) must be informed and the dorm key must be returned to the RA. While personal belongings may remain in individual dorm rooms, all valuables should be removed, similar to the expectations for any winter break.
Students remaining on campus for remote learning must return their key(s) to the housing department after their finals are completed and/or no later than December 19, 2020. Students graduating, taking a leave of absence, or withdrawing from the college must remove all of their personal belongings from their room in addition to returning their key(s).
Student Services and Activities
All student services will continue to be provided, including dining services, health services and mental health counseling, tutoring, library, services for students with disabilities, international student services, Title IX, and others.
Academic buildings and classrooms will be open to provide ample study space.
All club activities will be held remotely. Plans for athletics and athletics team activities will be promulgated separately.
Regimental Activities and Training Ship Operations
There will be no Regimental formations or obligations. Although uniforms will not be required, if a student is assigned to work or stand watch on the ship, Maritime College boiler suits and required personal protective equipment must be worn. For standing pier watch, khakis must be worn. There will be a separate email detailing how to sign up for ship workdays and shipboard watches for Cadets who want to make up sea time from the Thanksgiving break through the winter break.
Surveillance Testing
All faculty, staff, and students on campus will continue to be subject to surveillance testing through the end of the fall term. All health and safety protocols, such as wearing of masks and proper social distancing will continue to be enforced.
Faculty, Staff, and Students Visiting NY Travel Advisory List Locations
Each faculty, staff, and student is responsible for monitoring and complying with the state’s travel advisory guidance. Any employee or student who chooses to travel internationally or to a restricted state on the NY State Travel Advisory list must quarantine in New York State for 14 days prior to returning to campus. As the College cannot accommodate any student who needs to quarantine on campus, students will not be permitted to return to campus unless they complete the full quarantine period.
Refund Policy
The College currently plans to continue to remain open and operational for the duration of the fall semester. As all instruction, student services, and campus operations will continue to be available to all students after the transition to remote instruction in November, no refunds will be issued for the remaining weeks of the fall semester after the transition. Should conditions change and the College is no longer able to continue providing on-campus services to students, this policy will be revisited.
Stay well,
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
October 9, 2020
Transition to Remote Instruction After Thanksgiving
Maritime College Community,
To date, we have been highly successful in controlling the outbreak of COVID-19 on our campus due to your vigilance and compliance with the established safety protocols, coupled with our aggressive surveillance testing. However, as we consider the growing number of COVID-19 cases in New York and across the country, the start of the flu season and the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, it is necessary for us to take additional precautions to minimize risk to our campus community.
Upon consultation with, and the advice of, academic and administrative leadership, Maritime College will transition to remote instruction for all classes after the Thanksgiving break. Final exams will be administered remotely. The Thanksgiving break is a time when students and employees will come into contact with people from many parts of the country through their travels and holiday gatherings. The decision to transition entirely to remote instruction after Thanksgiving prevents a potential post-holiday outbreak on campus, which would force us to quickly pivot to remote classes and finals. By making this decision early, we can methodically plan the transition to remote instruction and cessation of face-to-face activities.
Additional details will be forthcoming, including residence hall accommodations and move-out schedule, dining services, and personnel workplace requirements.
We are currently developing plans for the resumption of in-person classes in January and will provide additional information in the coming weeks.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
September 28, 2020
New SUNY Policy on Student Sanctions
Since the start of the semester, I have asked you to help me keep the campus safe from the COVID-19 virus by making SAFE decisions and SMART decisions, and I am very pleased and proud by your response. I see the vast majority of students are complying with our health and safety protocols. As a result, we have only had two COVID-19 positive test results (out of 206 tests) in our first three weeks of classes. PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
Although we have had relatively few incidents at Maritime College, the reckless and irresponsible behavior of students at other SUNY campuses have led to outbreaks at some of the 64 SUNY campuses. As a result of these unfortunate incidents, SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras announced last Friday (September 25) an unprecedented, comprehensive new policy and emergency directive “to address violations of COVID-19 safety protocols occurring at SUNY’s State-operated campuses and community colleges.”
The emergency directive implements a COVID-19 sanctioning policy – tailored to the current public health emergency – intended to create a uniform sanction throughout SUNY that balances the need to protect the public health of students, faculty, staff, and community members with the rights of students to remain within the educational environment. The policy will take effect on Thursday, October 1, 2020.
From the time Pierside Training began in August and throughout the other phases of the College’s re-start plan, students, faculty and staff have been strongly encouraged to wear a mask, practice social distancing and good hygiene, avoid large gathering, participate in COVID-19 testing and adhere to other College directives. The new SUNY policy augments these guidelines and establishes sanctions for students who violate the College’s COVID-19 safety protocols.
The new SUNY policy in its entirety, Uniform Sanctioning in Response to COVID-19 Student Violations, details a list of sanctions ranging from suspension from housing for no less than one calendar year, to dismissal, which will leave the respondent ineligible for refund of tuition, room, board, or fees and responsible for all amounts owed.
Violations of the policy include:
- COVID-Positive Intentional Violations- For students who know that they have tested positive for COVID-19, from one or more positive tests, or students who know they have had close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or been treated or is symptomatic for COVID-19, and then intentionally expose other students by any means.
- Failure to Self-Isolate- For students who have been directed by the institution or the State or local Department of Health to self-isolate (because they have tested positive for COVID-19) on or off campus, and then engage in any conduct that would violate such isolation order.
- Failure to Quarantine- For students who have been directed by the institution or the State or local Department of Health to complete a quarantine period (mandatory or precautionary), on or off campus, and then engage in any conduct that would violate such quarantine order.
- Prohibited On Campus Gathering (Attendee)- For students who attend a gathering of any size (but not as host), whether indoor or outdoor, that violates or exceeds campus housing policy and/or the current limitation published by the institution, Executive Order, or the State or local Department of Health.
- Prohibited Off Campus Gathering (Hosts)- For students who host an off campus gather of any size, indoor or outdoor, that exceeds the current limitation published by the institution, Executive Order, or the State or local Department of Health.
- Prohibited Off Campus Gathering (Attendee)- For students who attend a gathering of any size (but not as host), whether indoor or outdoor, that exceeds the current limitation published by the institution, Executive Order or the State or local Department of Health.
- Face Mask and Social Distancing Requirements- For students found to have committed repeated and/or intentional violations of face mask/covering or social distancing requirements of the Institution, Executive Order, or the State or local Department of Health.
- Contact Tracing- For students who repeatedly fail to comply, whether intentionally or unintentionally (unless it can be shown that the student was genuinely no reached by contact tracers through no failure on their part), with COVID-19 contact tracing efforts conducted by the institution, or State or local Department of Health.
- Failure to Comply with Campus Health Protocols- For students who fail to attend at least two scheduled appointments, without sufficient excurse, to obtain diagnostic or surveillance COVID-19 testing under the institution’s published protocol.
- Student Athletes- For student athletes found responsible for any violation detailed above, the consequences may also include permanent loss of the privilege of competing in intercollegiate athletics at the institution, temporary or permanent removal of leadership roles, and loss of scholarship (where applicable).
- Student Organizations- For recognized or registered student organizations, whether on or off campus, academic, social, athletic, or of any other nature, that have one or more members who know that they have tested positive for COVID-19, from one or more positive tests, or members who know they have had close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or been treated or is symptomatic for COVID-19, and are found to have hosted a gathering of any size, indoor or outdoor, on campus or off campus, that exceeds the current limitation published by the institution, Executive Order, or the State or local Department of Health.
As a College community, it is essential that we all continue to adhere to the strict protocols that have been put in place to maintain a safe learning and working environment. Students allegedly in violation of the above may be subject to interim measures, including but not limited to involuntary leave of absence from campus housing and/or classes. All students allegedly in violation of the above have the right to due process and a fair and impartial hearing through the Student Affairs judicial process.
Let us commit each day to do our part and remain diligent in our effort to minimize the risk of the virus affecting the Maritime College campus. Only by working together, can we safely carry on with on-campus instruction and operations.
Stay well and be safe.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
September 24, 2020
Pooled Surveillance Testing Implementation
Earlier this month, SUNY announced that recent surveillance testing advancements at Upstate Medical University significantly increased SUNY's capacity to conduct COVID-19 testing more frequently. The goal of surveillance testing is to identify, mitigate and control the risk of virus transmission. Starting next week, Maritime College will take advantage of this NYS Department of Health approved "pooled surveillance" testing program.
SUNY's pooled testing approach was developed and validated by SUNY Upstate Medical University and Quadrant Biosciences. The test is rapid and pain-free. Individual saliva samples are gathered using a cheek swab. Samples are then pooled together in groups of 10 to 25. Individual and pooled tubes will be sent to SUNY Upstate Medical University for analysis, and the results will be provided within 24-48 hours. If the pool returns positive, individual tubes in that pool will be tested to identify which sample(s) made the group positive. Isolation and tracing protocols will be followed for individuals who test positive.
This pool method of surveillance testing will allow the College to increase the number of individuals tested per week ten-fold from 50 to 500, thereby enabling the entire College population (students and employees) to be tested every month.
Testing will be conducted on campus by Student Health Services. Students and employees selected for pool surveillance testing will receive a notification from Maritime College Student Health Services with information regarding testing hours and pre-testing requirements.
Testing is mandatory for all students and CSEA and UUP represented employees (who are required to report to campus in person to conduct some or all of their work obligation). Students who decline to participate will not be allowed access to any community area (e.g., classrooms, labs, Mess Deck) or permitted to attend any on-campus classes or activities. CSEA/UUP represented employees who decline will be referred to the Office of Human Resource Services.
We are pleased that this new surveillance testing will enable us to test our entire campus community more frequently and identify any increases in COVID positive cases.
For additional information about pooled surveillance testing, visit:
September 9, 2020
A Message from Admiral Alfultis
From August 21 through September 3, over 100 international students and students from restricted states on the NYS Travel Advisory quarantined on campus so they could start classes today. As part of this quarantine, a total of 113 students, faculty, and staff were randomly tested for COVID-19 on three separate occasions. There were 4 positive test results (3.5%), and we immediately implemented our containment and contract tracing protocols. We continue to meet both our internal and external metrics for continuing on-campus operations and instruction.
We have implemented random surveillance testing for the student body. These tests are mandatory and an essential part of the internal dashboards and metrics we have in place to determine the rate of infection within the Maritime College community. If you are selected to be tested, you must go to health services. Students who decline to participate will not be allowed access to any community area (classrooms, labs, Mess Deck).
As members of the Maritime College community, we each hold a shared responsibility to do our part in minimizing the risk of exposing ourselves and others to COVID-19. Let’s make every effort to stay safe, healthy and keep the virus off our campus this semester.
Wear your masks and keep well. We are all in this together.
September 4, 2020
On Thursday, September 3, Convocation, the official start of the academic year, was held in the Maritime Academic Center via Zoom.
During Convocation, RADM Michael Alfultis presented his vision for the upcoming year. He focused on the importance of building a safe and inclusive campus, the actions the College has undertaken in preparation for the Fall semester, his position on bias and discrimination, the framework for the College's LEADing Change initiative.
View the PowerPoint of the President's Convocation Speech
September 2, 2020
A Message from RADM Michael Alfultis
Welcome Back Maritime College Community!
This Friday, students will begin returning to campus for the start of classes on Tuesday, September 8. I am incredibly pleased to welcome our students, faculty, and staff back to campus. Maritime College has not been the same since we transitioned to remote instruction last March. Colleges were founded on the conviction that we grow intellectually and socially from interaction – in person – in a safe learning environment.
Being together will be different this year as we find creative ways to learn, live, work, and play under current public health guidelines.
After months of preparation and a great deal of hard work and planning, the time we’ve all been anticipating is finally here. I am committed to ensuring that we can safely conduct on-campus operations, and our SUNY approved restart plan has provided us a road map to ensure we do this safely.
Facilities has worked diligently this summer, disinfecting all rooms and spaces, installing plexiglass barriers on the mess deck and at point-of-service desks, rearranging common areas to promote social distancing, and ordering supplies to ensure our community can practice good hygiene. We have over 23,000 face coverings and masks.
Student Affairs, Residential Life, and Health Services have been busy developing protocols for PPE, housing, quarantining students, screening, internal and external monitoring, and containment.
The classroom experience will look a little different this year as we adapt to COVID-19. Provost Waters and I have personally inspected every classroom. Classroom capacity has been reduced to maximize social spacing. Many professors have modified their courses to a hybrid format, which reduces the number of students in the classroom at a given time. Other faculty members have been permitted to teach their courses remotely or online.
Like many other colleges, Maritime College made the difficult decision of not participating in a formal athletic conference or non-conference schedule during the upcoming fall semester. This decision was made based on concerns regarding the health and safety of our athletes, our ability to safely host visiting teams and spectators, and challenges regarding travel to other campuses and other states.
Re-Starting Phases
Our plan included three phases: A 30-day Pierside Training program for about 200 cadets, the two-week quarantine phase for students from restricted states on the New York Travel Advisory, and now the final phase with the start of Indoctrination and classes. We learned much from the first two phases and made changes to our plan based on the experience, lessons learned, and best practices from other colleges.
Recently Implemented Safety Protocols
I know that the vast majority of students at Maritime College recognize the importance of COVID-19 safety protocols. The months of preparation, funding, and effort that has been put forth to re-start campus operations is in vain if even one of us fails to follow the established protocols. The actions of one jeopardizes the opportunity for many students to achieve the academic milestones required for graduation. Therefore, we need FULL compliance from ALL members of the campus community. This means:
Not participating in any large gatherings
Correctly wearing a proper face-covering
Practicing social distancing
Practicing good hygiene, and
Participating in the random Coronavirus surveillance testing
Several SUNY colleges are experiencing issues related to the spread of the virus on their campus. Nearly every case is due to students not adhering to these basic protocols, in particular not wearing any facial coverings while participating in large social gatherings. To prevent bringing the virus to Maritime College it is absolutely imperative that everyone closely adhere to these simple and basic protocols.
Face Covering Policy
All students, employees, and visitors must adhere to the College Face-Covering Policy, which is posted on the COVID-19 Update/Re-start webpage. Each employee and student will be provided with two face masks that meet CDC requirements. Bandanas, fleeces, and gaiters are unacceptable substitutes for proper face coverings, offering little protection, and as such, are not allowed in community settings (classrooms, labs, and mess deck).
Face masks/coverings must be worn on campus at ALL TIMES by students, staff, faculty, staff, and visitors. The only time students are not required to wear a mask is when inside their room with their roommate. Faculty and staff are expected to wear a mask ANYTIME they are outside their office. In offices, face masks must be worn when social distancing cannot be maintained. Face masks must also be worn at all customer-servicing points. Additional guidance will be promulgated regarding the face-covering requirements while exercising outdoors and inside athletic and fitness facilities, as well as by the Regiment of Cadets.
Health Screening Attestation
For the past two weeks, all students should have been self-quarantining and completing the Maritime College Health Screening Attestation Form to prevent bringing the virus to Maritime College. Students will be expected to present this form before being permitted access to the campus. Self-quarantine includes staying at home to the greatest extent possible, wearing PPE when in public, and not participating in any large gatherings.
Maritime College employees must continue to complete the daily health screening questionnaire using the link to the College’s intranet site or through the QR code.
All students, visitors and contractors must complete a daily health screening using the CampusClear app. Students should anticipate spot checks for compliance. Non-compliance will result in no access to academic buildings. The CampusClear app is available for download on both iOS and Android devices, and the screening is to be completed daily within the first hour of physically reporting to the campus. Details and directions are available on the COVID-19/Restart web page.
Soon we will begin implementing random COVID surveillance testing for all students to determine rates of spread within our community. We plan to test 40 students per week (160-200 students tested each month). Participation in surveillance testing is mandatory. Those failing to participate in testing will be required to leave campus and will not be permitted to attend any on-campus classes or activities.
Students who test positive for COVID will be immediately quarantined. If they cannot return home to quarantine, they will be required to isolate in one of our designated quarantine rooms. Maritime College contact tracers will work with the Department of Health to determine others who may be at risk due to their proximity, and must also be tested or quarantined. Our facilities department will immediately begin disinfecting impacted areas.
In addition to our surveillance testing program, students exhibiting any COVID symptoms will be tested and isolated until results are received.
Reporting On-Campus COVID-19 Concerns
An email address has been established to report and address concerns regarding COVID-19 safety protocols: Please use this address if you notice issues or non-adherence to social distancing, the improper wearing of face coverings, hygiene, or incidents of students participating in large social gatherings with no social distancing or PPE. A hotline number is also available (718-409-5985).
Monitoring and Metrics
Daily monitoring of external and internal metrics will be conducted to determine whether we must shift to remote instruction. Based on NY State Department of Health guidance issued to all educational institutions, we must shift to remote operations/instruction if the rate of positive COVID tests exceed 9% (on a seven day rolling average) within the New York City region.
Additional guidance for colleges and universities was recently issued by the governor. If, over a two-week period, the positive test rate at Maritime College exceeds 5% of our on-campus population (students and employees) or if there are more than 100 cases, we must shift to remote learning for two weeks. This will allow for extensive contact tracing and immediate quarantining measures to contain the spread of the virus.
COVID-19 Dashboard
We will post the data of our internal testing and external monitoring on the COVID-19/Re-start web page. Continue to monitor the web page for any updates.
This semester will be like no other Fall semester we have experienced and I applaud every member of the Maritime College staff and faculty who has worked tirelessly to get us all back on campus. It is now up to each of us to individually do our part in keeping our campus safe and virus free. Minimize your risk of exposure, wear the proper face covering, practice social distancing, avoid large gatherings and practice good hygiene.
I hope you have a safe and healthy semester and I look forward to seeing you around campus.
Stay well.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
September 2, 2020
Campus Clear Daily Screening
Maintaining a campus that is COVID free is our highest priority as we begin repopulating the College and our shared learning and working spaces. Toward that effort, we are pleased to announce the adoption of CampusClear, a daily COVID Screening application for students and visitors (vendors/contractors).
The CampusClear app is available for download on both iOS and Android devices, and the screening is to be completed daily within the first hour of physically reporting to the campus. A complete overview of CampusClear can be found here. You may also learn more by visiting the web app (below) from any device.
As members of the Maritime College community, we each hold a shared responsibility in ensuring the virus does not enter our campus. By completing the daily screening on CampusClear, we take an active step each day in keeping ourselves and others safe.
Thank you for your cooperation in protecting the health of our campus community.
August 21, 2020
A Message from the Dean of Student Affairs
The start of the Fall semester is right around the corner! Beginning today, Friday August 21, we are asking that ALL Maritime students take precautions ahead of the Fall semester.
To this end, we are asking ALL students to begin tracking their health and completing the attestation form, which may be downloaded, copied, and completed. Students living on campus will be required to submit this form when they check in for housing and indoctrination. Commuting students will be expected to submit this form physically or electronically to the Dean of Student Affairs office (Baylis Hall or on the first day of classes.
Students from states on the New York State Travel advisory must begin their precautionary self-quarantine TODAY. You can find the full travel advisory here. As a reminder, all students entering New York State from another state must complete the New York State traveler form upon entering New York. Failing to do so may carry fines up to $10,000 from New York State.
All other students are expected to take precautions including wearing masks in public, maintaining social distance, and avoiding large gatherings that might compromise health over the course of the next two weeks.
Thank you all for your collective efforts to begin our Fall semester safely.
William J. Imbriale, Ph.D.
Dean of Student Affairs
August 20, 2020
Face Covering Policy
As SUNY Maritime College re-starts on-campus operations and academic programs, our focus remains on the health, safety, and welfare of all students, staff, and faculty. While we cannot guarantee a risk-free environment, we are fully committed to reducing risk. Key in this effort is wearing effective face coverings.
In our commitment to minimize exposure to COVID-19, the College will provide students and employees with face masks that meet CDC requirements. The CDC reviewed the latest science and affirmed that cloth face coverings are a critical tool in the fight against COVID-19 and that using a cloth face-covering reduces the spread of the disease, particularly when used universally within communities.
The success of our recent Pierside Shipboard Training program is a testament to this practice. Over five weeks, we conducted 422 tests with five positive results (1.2%). Of particular note, all five positive results were in the first week, with no positive results in the succeeding four weeks of testing. The program’s success can be attributed to wearing face masks, frequent hand washing, avoiding face touching, and social distancing.
Although the College is providing each employee and student with face masks, you may elect to wear your own face mask if you find the College-issued face mask uncomfortable. Again, the key is 100% compliance – everyone must wear a face mask while on campus. If you choose to wear a face mask that is not provided by the College, make sure you consider the characteristics of the material used, the number of layers, size of the pores in the fabric, and the fit to the face. Masks with three or more layers of 100% cotton or high cotton content are the most effective. Based on a recent study conducted by Duke School of Medicine researchers, bandanas, fleeces, and gaiters are the least effective. Some were shown to be more harmful than not wearing a mask They are unacceptable substitutes for proper face coverings, offering little protection and as such they are not allowed in community settings (classrooms, labs, and mess deck).
According to our campus re-start plan, face masks/coverings must be worn on campus at all times by students, staff, faculty, staff, and visitors. The only time students are not required to wear a mask is when inside their room with their roommate. Faculty and staff are expected to wear a mask anytime they are outside their office. In offices, face masks must be worn when social distancing cannot be maintained. Face masks must also be worn at all customer-servicing points. Additional guidance will be promulgated regarding the face covering requirements while exercising outdoors and inside athletic and fitness facilities, as well as by the Regiment of Cadets.
The health and safety of students, faculty, and staff are of paramount importance, and we each hold a shared responsibility as members of this campus community to protect ourselves and one another. We look to students, faculty, and staff to do their part in minimizing their risk of exposure of COVID-19 on and off-campus by properly wearing face masks, and practicing social distancing and good hygiene. In doing so, we reduce the risk of COVID-19 impacting our campus and protect the health of our students and employees, giving students the opportunity to achieve the academic milestones required for graduation.
august 19, 2020
A Message from RADM Michael Alfultis: Restart of On-Campus Operations
Dear Maritime College Community,
As you may have read in the news, a growing number of colleges and universities across the country have recently started on-campus operations and subsequently moved to remote instruction due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus on their campus. Many of these schools are in states where a relatively high percentage of COVID-19 tests are positive for the virus, and are subsequently listed on the New York State Travel Advisory.
We are monitoring the situation closely. In contrast to the states where colleges are moving to remote instruction, the percentage of COVID-19 tests in New York State that are positive for the virus is 0.8%. In New York City and Long Island regions (in which the majority of our students and employees reside), the percent positive rates are 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. These rates are well below the NY Department of Health guidance for schools reopening (< 5% positive rate on a 14 day rolling average). Based on the regional rates of positive COVID-19 test results, as well as the successful completion of our on-campus pier-side shipboard training program that concluded last week, we are still planning to commence on-campus operations on Monday, August 24 and resume classes on Tuesday, September 8. Please refer to my message of August 3 (below) on regarding requirements and other key dates as we approach the start of the fall term.
We can safely resume on-campus operations if we follow the protocols outlined in our Re-start Plan that include:
All international students and students from NYS Travel Advisory restricted states properly completing the mandatory quarantine procedures starting this Friday, August 21.
All students from NYS and states not on the travel advisory properly completing a precautionary self-quarantine starting this Friday, August 21, and submitting the required Maritime College health screening attestation form when returning to campus.
All employees completing the mandatory daily health screening (see COVID-19 Return to Work Toolkit).
Conducting weekly random surveillance testing for COVID-19
Monitoring internal and external metrics (infection rates on and off-campus).
We each hold a shared responsibility as members of this campus community to protect one another and ourselves. We look to students, faculty, and staff to do their part in minimizing their risk of exposure of COVID-19 on and off-campus by
properly wearing face coverings,
practicing social distancing,
avoiding large gatherings, and
practicing good hygiene.
In doing so, we reduce the risk of COVID-19 being brought to our campus and negatively affecting our ability to safely conduct on-campus operations and classes.
As I have repeatedly stated in the past, our plan is the plan for today. It may change based on any changes in conditions or as new guidance or Executive Orders are issued by the Governor’s Office, the New York Department of Health or other appropriate New York State Agencies.
Please continue to monitor email, social media, and our website for updates and announcements.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
August 10, 2020
A Message from RADM Michael Alfultis
Dear Maritime College Community,
Today marks the completion of the third week of Pier Side Training. Throughout this time, cadets have been participating in a variety of training evolutions, watchstanding, and maintenance.
As training continues, we remain diligent in performing random COVID-19 testing on students and staff. Last week, 36 cadets and 11 staff were tested. ALL 47 TESTS WERE NEGATIVE FOR THE COVID-19 VIRUS.
Throughout PST, we have closely monitored the virus both internally and externally. Internally, our random testing and re-testing of cadets and staff (over 300 tests conducted in total) has consistently produced zero positive test results in more than 50% of participants. Externally, we have been carefully following the Governor’s updates on COVID-19 in New York State and specifically, the number of positive cases in the Bronx. As of yesterday, 0.78% of COVID-19 tests were positive in NYS. This is the lowest one-day percentage reported positive since the pandemic began. In the Bronx, 0.8% of the COVID-19 tests were positive, also a new one-day low.
The success of PST can be attributed to the adherence of wearing masks, social distancing, and proper hand hygiene. We acknowledge all PST participants for their efforts in following these protocols. They are the best tools to help prevent the spread of illness.
In moving towards a safe reopening of the campus in September, we must all continue to:
Wear a cloth masks or face coverings correctly
Maintain a distance of 6 feet between you and others
Wash hands often with soap and water
Use the hand sanitizing stations on campus when soap and water are not available
The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff are of paramount importance, and we each hold a shared responsibility as members of this campus community to protect ourselves and one another. Just as we ensure all common spaces are cleaned, disinfected and sanitized daily, we look to students, faculty and staff to do their part in minimizing the risk of exposure of COVID-19 on our campus.
Regular updates will be provided to keep you informed.
Stay well.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
August 4, 2020
A Message from RADM Michael Alfultis
Dear Maritime College Community,
This past Monday, we had to cancel our Facebook Livestream session due to technical difficulties we were experiencing with Facebook. The presentation is now available on YouTube. I would encourage all students, faculty, and staff to watch the presentation as it provides important information regarding the College’s plans for the Fall 2020 semester. If you have questions after viewing the presentation, please address them as follows:
Student Accounts, Billing and Payments
Financial Aid and SST Scholarships
Indoctrination/License Documentation
I hope you will take the opportunity to view the presentation.
Stay well,
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
August 3, 2020
A Message from RADM Michael Alfultis
Dear Maritime College Community,
As we approach the start of the Fall term, please be aware of the following requirements and key dates.
If you are a student coming from a restricted state on the New York State Travel Advisory list or have traveled internationally, you must quarantine in New York for 14 days after you arrive in the state. Please note that this list changes on a weekly basis. All students residing or traveling outside of New York should carefully monitor the New York COVID-19 Travel Advisory website. You must complete the New York State Travel Health Form upon entering New York. Maritime College will provide a room on campus to self-quarantine for 14-days ahead of the start of the Fall semester from August 21 through September 3 at no cost. However, you must request to quarantine on-campus no later than this Friday, August 7. Request to Quarantine on Campus here. You may also opt to quarantine off-campus in New York State.
If you are a student not coming from a restricted state or traveling internationally, then you must complete two weeks of precautionary self-quarantine and monitoring before returning to campus. This includes: staying home to the greatest extent possible, wearing PPE when in public, and not attending large gatherings.
Whether you are quarantining as a result of traveling from a restricted state or an international location or doing the precautionary quarantine, take it seriously and follow the guidelines. A positive test for COVID-19 will put you, your roommate, and others in jeopardy of not being able to start or continue in their program of study. ALL students will be required to complete a Health Assessment Attestation Form upon arrival on campus.
New Cadet Indoctrination (INDOC) will start on Friday, September 4. A detailed email will be sent later this week covering check-in times, what to bring, and what not to bring, physicals, and other relevant information.
Residential move-in will be staggered from September 4 through September 6:
September 4: 4th Class Cadets and Civilian Students
September 5: 2nd Class Cadets and 1st Class Cadets
September 6: 3rd Class Cadets and Grad/Day Students
Students will be permitted to have only one other person to help them move into their residence hall room. All Students and assistants must wear a face mask. Students will be receiving an email this week covering check-in and move-in details.
We expect to post bills for the Fall term by next week as we finalize incorporating guidance from SUNY.
As previously announced, we plan on starting classes on Tuesday, September 8. Students will be able to know the modality for each course for which they are registered the week of August 24.
Please continue to monitor email, social media, and the College’s website for updates and announcements.
If you have questions, please address them as follows:
Student Accounts, Billing and Payments
Financial Aid and SST Scholarships
Indoctrination/License Documentation
Stay well.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
July 28, 2020
A Message from Student Affairs
Dear New and Continuing Students,
As we work through the COVID-19 crisis, we realize that students from outside of New York State and the United States will be particularly affected. At the present time, New York State has instituted a travel advisory that requires individuals from many states and from outside the United States to self-quarantine for 14 days. Violation of a mandatory quarantine order currently carries a potential fine of up to $10,000 and imprisonment. You can read the full travel advisory, including the policies and affected areas at this link:
To assist you through this time, Maritime College will provide space on campus to self-quarantine for 14 days ahead of the start of the Fall semester at no cost. Students will arrive on campus on August 21, and move into their assigned room. Meals will be provided. Both housing and meal costs will be covered by the College. Please Note: We will not be able to provide cleaning supplies or individual bathrooms due to space considerations.
If you opt to self-quarantine through your own arrangements, please bring confirmation of a negative COVID-19 test administered at least four days prior to your regular move-in date. Please contact Student Health Services (718-409-7347) if you need assistance finding a testing location. Students quarantining off campus must still abide by the travel advisory in its entirety. Students planning to commute or attend Maritime fully online should indicate as such at the signup link below.
If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to request a quarantine space on campus using the link below by Friday, August 7. A $100 deposit will be required and will be refunded to your existing student financial account.
An update regarding the College’s plan to resume on-campus instruction will be provided on Monday, August 3, via email and Facebook Live. Any decision regarding on-campus instruction is subject to change based on changing conditions. Students traveling via plane or other transportation are strongly advised to purchase refundable, insured tickets through their airline or travel provider.
Request to Quarantine on Campus
Any questions may be directed to Housing and Residential Life ( or to the Dean of Student Affairs ( International students can also submit any questions or concerns to the International Student Coordinator (
We hope this option will help you successfully begin the Fall semester on campus. Additional information regarding INDOC, modes of instruction, and housing are forthcoming. Please continue to check this site for additional information as it becomes available.
Be safe and be healthy.
Dean I.
William J. Imbriale, Ph.D.
Dean of Student Affairs
July 27, 2020
A Message from RADM Michael Alfultis
Dear Maritime College Community,
Today marks the completion of the second week of Pier Side Training. Throughout this time, cadets have been participating in a variety of training evolutions, watchstanding and maintenance.
As training continues, we remain diligent in performing random COVID-19 testing on students and staff. Last week, we conducted a total of 41 tests randomly on 36 cadets and 5 staff. ALL TESTS WERE NEGATIVE FOR THE COVID-19 VIRUS.
Part of PST’s success thus far can be attributed to the adherence of wearing masks, social distancing and proper hand hygiene, and we acknowledge all PST participants for their efforts in following these protocols. These are the best tools to help prevent the spread of illness. Please continue to:
Wear your cloth masks or face coverings correctly
Maintain a distance of 6 feet between you and others
Wash your hands often with soap and water
Use the hand sanitizing stations on campus when soap and water are not available
The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is of paramount importance, and we each hold a shared responsibility as members of this campus community to protect ourselves and one another. While we will remain focused on ensuring all common spaces are cleaned, disinfected and sanitized daily, it is also essential that students, faculty and staff continue to do their part to minimize the risk of exposure of COVID-19 on our campus.
We will regularly provide updates to keep you informed.
Stay well.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
July 17, 2020
A Message from RADM Michael Alfultis
Dear Maritime College Community,
On Monday, July 13, we commenced Phase I of Maritime College’s Re-Start Plan with the start of our 30-day Pier Side Training (PST) program. The purpose of this program is to provide Cadets the opportunity to make up lost sea-time as a result of the cancellation of SST-2020. Over 200 Cadets are taking advantage of this opportunity, which was approved by SUNY as part of our approved Re-Start Plan for On-Campus Operations. Currently, Maine Maritime and California Maritime are conducting similar events for their Cadets.
Within the first three days, the College took a proactive approach and conducted COVID-19 testing of all students and staff participating in PST. Testing, which was conducted in partnership with SUNY Downstate Medical, was performed on 228 individuals. Results were returned within 24 hours, and of those tested, five students (2.19%) received positive test results. All of the students are asymptomatic.
We acted quickly to isolate the students, contacted the local Department of Health, and initiated contact tracing on each student and their roommate. These five students were required to leave campus, and are now completing a 14-day quarantine. We wish all five students a speedy recovery. Six additional students (five roommates and an additional student) were required to leave campus due to their proximity to the individuals who tested positive, as per Department of Health guidelines. All rooms occupied by the Cadets who tested positive, as well as any shared areas, are being disinfected and cleaned in accordance with CDC guidelines and the containment protocols in our approved Re-Start Plan.
The College is closely monitoring the situation and following all of the protocols outlined in our Re-start Plan. As an additional precaution, we are performing random testing and temperature checks throughout the 30-days of PST. All common areas and bathrooms will continue to be cleaned and disinfected daily.
It is essential that all students, staff, and faculty continue to diligently adhere to public health precautionary measures, in particular wearing a mask, practicing good hand hygiene, and social distancing. While testing and monitoring will inform us as to what is happening, these preventative measures are the most effective means of providing a safe environment for our faculty, staff, and students.
Please continue to monitor your email and Maritime College’s COVID-19 Update/Re-Start web page for updates.
Stay well.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
July 14, 2020
Athletics Update
Amidst the continuing health and safety concerns due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Maritime College made the difficult decision to not participate in a formal conference or non-conference schedule during the upcoming fall semester. This decision has been made based on concerns regarding the health and safety of our athletes, our ability to safely host visiting teams and spectators, and challenges regarding travel to other campuses and other states.
Our plan is for student-athletes to return to campus in September with the rest of the student body. Upon their return to campus, student-athletes will start to workout with their coaches in small groups. We will follow the New York State Guidelines and gradually progress to a goal of team practices and meaningful competition opportunities, if the conditions relative to the virus allow. This approach gives our department the opportunity to adjust accordingly based on how the COVID-19 virus is behaving.
"As a department our main goal is the health and safety of our student-athletes and staff," said Interim Director of Athletics Mike Berkun. "This plan helps us do that while working towards a secondary goal of practice and competition for our student-athletes, which helps us continue to strive towards providing the best possible experience at Maritime."
On Thursday, July 9, the NCAA announced a blanket eligibility waiver for all Division III athletes if their team can complete only 50% or less of the sport's maximum contests/dates of competition due to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that student-athletes will retain their eligibility for the year if the team competes in 50% or less of the sports maximum contests. Please refer to the full release from the NCAA for more information on the blanket waiver.
Additionally, the spring sports will follow the same guidelines as the fall teams for their non-traditional fall seasons, and the winter sports will begin workouts/practice when deemed appropriate. As Maritime College and the athletic department receive further information from New York State and the NCAA we will continue to posts updates on the website and our social media pages.
July 10, 2020
SUNY Maritime College Re-Start Plan
The State University of New York has certified and approved the Maritime College Re-Start Plan at its August 5 revision. The revision includes processes for quarantining and isolation of students traveling internationally or from restricted states on the New York State Travel Advisory list The plan, which is subject to change as conditions related to the coronavirus pandemic change, certifies the restart of on-campus operations. In developing a comprehensive plan to re-start campus operations, the health and safety of all who make up the entire campus community was of paramount importance and served as the guiding principle.
Planning efforts are focused on the following four areas:
Plans and protocols to Repopulate the Campus
Plans and protocols to Monitor for any potential virus activity on Campus
Plans and protocols for Containment should there be any positive or suspected positive cases of the virus on Campus
Plans for returning to Remote Operation and Remote Instruction should conditions warrant
The College will apply a phased approach in bringing students, faculty and staff back to campus in an effort to minimize re-starting risks. This approach also enables the College to adjust and improve the plan as required. Although the plan addresses re-starting on-campus operations, it takes into account that health and safety considerations related to the COVID-19 pandemic may result in the College being required to offer only remote instruction. As circumstances related to the pandemic may change, the plan may be subject to change as needed.
suny maritime College Re-Start Plan
(Updated October 30, 2020)
june 11, 2020
Cancellation of SST 2020
Dear Campus Community,
Last month, we announced that the College was unable to conduct a 60-day SST this summer and that we would focus our efforts on planning a 36-day SST in late July and August. Since then, based on the recommendation of the Summer Sea Term Planning Committee, I have made the difficult decision that we will not be able to conduct any SST training this summer. This decision is based on several factors, including:
Permission not being received from federal and state agencies in time for us to recruit crew and staff for SST and for students to make timely decisions regarding registration for SST.
Survey results indicating only 50% of cadets would participate in a Sea Term, thereby driving up the cost significantly.
Uncertainty about the resurgence of COVID-19 cases, and the difficulty in practicing social distancing in the berthing areas and mess deck.
To minimize the impact of the cancellation of SST 2020, as part of the Campus Re-Start Plan we submitted to SUNY last week, we have requested permission to bring Cadets back on campus next month for 30 days (July 13 to August 15) while the ship is pierside. This will provide an important opportunity for Cadets to acquire additional inport maintenance and watchstanding days towards the number of sea days needed for their license. For those Cadets who were planning on graduating in September 2020, January 2021, and May 2021, these additional sea days will allow you to complete all degree and license requirements in time for a July 2021 degree conferral. In addition, this opportunity will enable cadets to complete all pending STCW assessments from the Spring Semester, and receive final grades in those courses, prior to the start of the Fall Semester.
The pierside training will also enable us to practice social distancing protocols by assigning all cadets single rooms in the resident halls, utilizing the Vander Clute mess deck, instead of the ship’s messdeck, and spreading out watch standing and maintenance assignments on the ship.
Additional detailed information regarding this pierside training program will be forthcoming. It will include the number of days cadets need to sail on TS Empire State in 2021 by class, projected license exam and degree conferral dates based on participation in this summer’s pierside training. It will also highlight the benefits for Cadets who elect to take advantage of this opportunity and the consequences for those who do not, as well as registration, cost, and other administrative details. In the meantime, all cadets are encouraged to plan on returning to campus July 13 to August 15 to participate.
We are providing this opportunity to help the Cadets in our license program complete their degree and license requirements as expeditiously as possible. I urge all Cadets in our license programs to take full advantage of this opportunity.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
june 5, 2020
COVID-19 Adjustment Refunds
We appreciate the emails/questions regarding the COVID-19 adjustment refunds.
All accounts have been reviewed and, where applicable, a COVID-19 adjustment have been posted. Earlier this week, all COVID-19 adjustment refund checks (for all eligible students) were printed. As of Friday, June 5, all COVID-19 adjustment refunds checks were mailed.
Please continue to monitor your emails and the this website for updates.
Thank you for your patience and be safe.
May 27, 2020
Q & A Contact Information
Sea Time
Cadet Commercial Shipping
Prerequisites for SST/Cadet Shipping
Dean of Maritime Education and Training:
Student Accounts, Billing and Payments
Financial Aid and SST Scholarships
Registration for SST
May 26, 2020
Dear Campus Community,
We are actively working on plans to help the students in our license programs complete their required assessments and sea time, while maintaining the necessary health and safety protocols.
For our May 2020 graduates who still need to complete their licensing assessments in order to receive their degree and license, I anticipate having a plan in place within the next two weeks that will allow only those Cadets who need to complete their licensing assessments back on campus in early July. Those who complete the assessments will have a July degree conferral date.
For those Cadets who were looking to completing the Summer 2020 Sea Term, the 60-day SST option I presented to you during the May 4 Facebook Livestream is no longer viable and no longer under consideration. This decision is based on current Federal and New York State pandemic restrictions; the results from the Cadet and Crew/Faculty/Staff surveys; input from the Summer Sea Term Planning Group; and the recent actions by the California, Maine, and Texas A&M Maritime Academies.
We are now focusing our efforts on planning a 36-day SST before the fall semester. If this is not feasible, we are considering an alternative plan to maximize opportunities for Cadets to take full advantage of the inport maintenance and watchstanding days allowed by the U.S. Coast Guard to reduce the number of sea days needed for SST-2021.
I will keep you apprised as we finalize the details of these plans.
Stay well.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
State University of New York, Maritime College
May 18, 2020
Dear Maritime College Community,
I have spent the last several weeks sharing and clarifying our planning efforts and the three options for the Summer Sea Term (SST). Almost 11,000 people viewed the two Facebook Live Streams. During last week’s session, I provided responses to over 50 questions we received from students and parents.
I know you also have questions about the Fall Semester: What is the actual schedule for the fall? When will classes start? Will there be on-campus classes, and if so, what preparatory measures are being taken to ensure social distancing? Here is what we know to date:
Fall Academic Schedule
Whether or not an SST is conducted this summer, the Fall Semester Academic Schedule is as follows:
Aug. 24 Faculty Obligation Begins
Sept. 8 First Day of Classes
Oct. 12 Columbus Day – No Classes
Nov. 25-27 Thanksgiving Break – No Classes
Dec. 11 Fall Classes End
Dec. 14-19 Final Exam Week
The Spring 2021 Semester Academic Schedule will depend on what SST Option we execute.
Please refer to the Maritime College Calendar for other dates associated with the fall semester (e.g., student accounts, financial aid, class withdrawal, housing, etc.).
Fall Plans
While we are planning to conduct classes on campus this fall, in order for this to occur we are required to submit a Campus Re-Opening Plan to SUNY for approval. This plan must be developed in coordination with our Regional Control Room Leaders.
To support our planning efforts, I have established three working groups under the Planning, Budgeting, and Assessment Committee: Academic Planning, Campus Operations, and Student Life and Enrollment Management. These groups are charged with reviewing the preparations and measures that will be implemented in order to safely resume classes and activities on campus this fall. They will also participate in contingency planning in the event conditions in the downstate region of New York do not allow us to re-open and resume on-campus instruction. All faculty are urged to spend the summer planning to deliver their courses through remote instruction/distance learning in the event we cannot resume on-campus instruction this fall, or we need to move classes to a distance learning format for a portion of the fall semester.
Please continue to check your email, the College’s website, and social media posts to ensure you have the latest information regarding SST and the fall semester.
All the best,
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
State University of New York, Maritime College
May 4, 2020
Sea Term Options - Facebook Live Presentation
On the evening of May 4, Admiral Alfultis presented a flexible Sea Term plan consisting of the following options:
Summer 2020-Winter 2021 Split Sea Term
36-Day Summer 2020 Sea Term, followed by 120-Day Summer 2021 Sea Term
No Sea Term in 2020, resulting in 140-day Summer 2021 Sea Term
Those who were unable to join the session may access the slides to Sea Term Options Presentation. The audio presentation is available on the Maritime College Facebook page.
April 27, 2020
A Message Regarding Sea Term from RADM Michael Alfultis
Dear Students,
Now that final exams are over and we’re nearing the end of the semester, I know many of you are probably wondering what’s next. Will there be a Sea Term and if so, when?
I have met with the Academic Council and President’s Cabinet in a joint meeting to discuss viable options for a Sea Term. Last week I also met with the Admiral’s Student Leadership Council to discuss and understand their concerns regarding Sea Term.
In truth, there is no simple or perfect solution, but I want to assure you that we have worked diligently to develop the most reasonable option that safely allows students to get the sea time they need to graduate. We have developed a plan based on three options that allows us the flexibility to plan and implement a sea term. This is all contingent on the status of the COVID-19 crisis, and associated Federal and/or New York state mandates.
We will provide more specific information regarding our Sea Term plan and these three options on Monday, May 4. In addition, please join me on Monday, May 4, at 7:30 p.m. on Facebook Live as I present the College’s Sea Term plan.
Our goal in developing this plan is to present the best pathway to degree completion. I hope you will tune in to learn more.
April 24, 2020
A Message from the Offices of Financial Aid and Student Accounts
Dear Students,
We write to provide an update regarding the College’s plans to address billed charges relief to all students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As we continue to navigate the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, Maritime College remains committed to the physical and financial health of all students.
In continuing to work through federal and state mandates, we have developed a formula for pro-rated monetary remittances based on a calculation for the period between March 19, 2020 to the end of the Spring 2020 semester. The remittance will come in the form of a refund for the Spring 2020 semester or a credit adjustment to the Fall 2020 semester cost.
Remittances will be specific to each student and we anticipate all adjustments to be applied to all eligible accounts within 3–5 weeks.
All continuing students will receive a refund check for the Spring 2020 semester. Refund checks will be printed and mailed to students once all adjustments have been made. Continuing students may choose to have the refund applied as a credit to their Fall 2020 charges. If they elect this option, they must notify the Student Accounts Office (
All graduating students will receive a refund check.
Below are the affected groups of students and the charges that will be updated on their accounts:
Residential students who lived on campus prior to the COVID-19 health crisis, will receive a refund or credit for room and board.
Commuters who utilized a meal plan prior to the COVID-19 health crisis, will receive a refund or credit for the unused portion of their meal plan.
All students will receive a pro-rated refund or credit for both the Student Athletic Fee and Student Activity Fee (the Student Association reserves the right to make the determination for this fee).
To be eligible for a pro-rated refund on billed charges, students must have:
Paid their bill in full (students with partially paid bills will have their room and board charges reduced in-line with the timing calculation).
Properly removed all of their belongings from the residence hall and returned their key by the end of the adjusted housing period, March 19.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns related to financial aid and/or how the refund impacts your financial aid for the Spring 2020 semester or the Fall 2020 semester. Email or schedule a Zoom call with any Financial Aid Administrator.
For questions or concerns related to your student account and/or the refund/credit process, email or schedule a Zoom call with any Student Accounts Administrator.
Be well and stay safe.
Office of Financial Aid
Office of Student Accounts
April 9, 2020
A Message to Students from RADM Alfultis
Dear Students,
We hope you are staying safe and making every effort to complete your coursework remotely. While the past few weeks have been challenging for all of us and an abrupt adjustment to distance learning became necessary, we encourage you to remain focused as we reach the final weeks of the Spring 2020 Semester.
Within the months of April, May and June, several dates and deadlines have been scheduled for Fall Semester housing and registration, as well as final exams, Degree Conferral and Summer Ashore Terms. Below is a schedule of these important activities by date:
April 17 - Deadline for Housing Applications for Returning Students
April 20-24 - Final Exams
April 24 - Last Day to Register for Fall Semester without a Late Fee
May 22 - Spring Degree Conferral Date
May 4 - June 26 - Graduate Summer Ashore I
May 18 - June 19 - Undergraduate Summer Ashore I
June 22 - July 24 - Undergraduate Summer Ashore II
June 29 - August 21 - Graduate Summer Ashore II
REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR SUMMER ASHORE I AND II. All Summer Ashore courses will be offered via distance learning format. All students are encouraged to register for Summer Ashore courses in order to mitigate any current or future impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on their academic standing. We continue to assess which courses need to be taught this summer to facilitate students' progress towards degree completion. Please continue to check the course offerings for Summer Ashore I and II throughout the spring.
Tentative dates for Sea Term, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 will be announced in early May. Regardless, students will be able to complete Summer Ashore I prior to any sea term that may be scheduled this summer.
Please know that our priority is to ensure each student’s continued progress towards degree completion, and we will continue to work towards helping each student successfully complete their required courses, especially through these tough times.
RADM Alfultis
April 6, 2020
A Message to the Graduating Class of May 2020
Dear Class of May 2020,
I hope that your transition to distance learning, this your last semester at Maritime, has been a success, and that you and your families are staying safe and healthy. Many of your courses are on their way to being completed by the end of Final Exam Week. However, even with the accommodations that the USCG has given us for our license courses and the innovative ways your instructors have been delivering labs, field work and design courses, there are still a number of courses that will require some form of in-person assessments – something that we cannot offer on-Campus in the remaining weeks of this semester.
In an effort to maximize the number of graduates who will be receiving their degrees and USCG licenses this May, we are moving the Degree Conferral Date from Friday, May 1, 2020 to Friday, May 22, 2020. Hopefully, this will give us two to three weeks after Finals to try and bring small groups of May 2020 graduates safely to Campus to complete their in-person assessments. Students not graduating in May 2020, will have an opportunity to complete their assessments over the summer, during pre-Cruise or at the start of the Fall semester.
Based on some questions we have received, there appears to be some confusion regarding your degree conferral date versus commencement. While we have been forced to postpone the date of commencement, all students who have completed all requirements for their degree by May 22 will receive their degree effective May 22. All students who complete all requirements for degree and license by May 22 will receive their USCG license credentials effective May 22. Although the USCG National Maritime Center is currently facing staffing shortages which may affect when your license credentials are issued, we are continuing to work with the USCG to endeavor to have your license credentials ready for the May 22nd Degree Conferral Date.
We know some of you are facing challenges to complete all requirements for your license, including completing STCW assessments for some license courses and inability to take USCG license exams while the Regional Exam Centers remained closed. We are working with the Coast Guard and MARAD on temporary measures aimed at permitting the class of 2020 to satisfy their license program requirements and graduate in as timely a fashion as possible.
Please note that if you have completed all of your degree requirements and are starting a shore-side job after May 1st, but before May 22nd, we will be happy to provide your employer with a proof-of-degree-completion letter.
I wish you a successful completion of your academic careers here at Maritime College, and although there will not be a commencement ceremony this May, we hope to recognize your accomplishment at a commencement ceremony for you and your families in the months ahead. In the meantime, please know that we are all very proud of your great achievements!
Best regards,
Dr. Joseph C. Hoffman
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs|
State University Distinguished Teaching Professor
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
SUNY Maritime College
Degree Conferral Letter to Spring 2020 Graduating Class
april 2, 2020
Sea Term Update
As the nation responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are constantly evaluating our options for providing the best hands-on education that meets and exceeds federal and international training standards and days-at-sea experience. We had initially announced that the 2020 Summer Sea Term would not depart as scheduled on May 4th, and that we were evaluating two possible scenarios. First, adjusting the Fall Semester academic schedule to allow delaying the start of a 100-day Summer Sea Term to May 25th. The second scenario would be conducting a 100-day Sea Term during the Fall Semester.
Given the Federal government's recent extension of its social distancing guidelines to April 30th, we no longer believe it is possible to implement a 100-day Summer Sea Term commencing on May 25th. We continue to follow the most up-to-date guidance from Federal and State public health authorities, and, as of now, we are unable to set a new date for sea term nor a revised itinerary.
We are pleased to announce that the U.S. Coast Guard has responded to concerns raised by the Consortium of State Maritime Academies, and is allowing several accommodations relative to sea time for the Classes of 2020 and 2021. Our Sea Term Planning Committee is assessing the impact of these accommodations on the required sea time for the Classes of 2020 and 2021, and hence the length of Sea Term. There are multiple scenarios being considered in an effort to ensure our students receive the required sea time with the best possible hands-on learning experiences while minimizing any delay to their eventual licensing and graduation. All of these scenarios impact the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 academic calendar in some way. Our goal is to make a decision prior to April 20th and communicate the decision to the campus community.
While the situation continues to be highly fluid and complex, we will endeavor to keep the Maritime College community as well informed as possible.
march 27, 2020
A Message to Alumni from RADM Michael Alfultis
Dear Maritime College Alumni,
I hope this message finds you and your families well. These are undoubtedly trying times with much uncertainty, but I thought I would take a moment to update you regarding the measures we have taken at Maritime College in the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Two weeks ago, the number of cases in New Rochelle (Westchester County, New York) and Long Island were increasing exponentially. As we were in the epicenter of this pandemic, I made the decision to request all students vacate the residence halls, cancel/postpone all on and off campus activities, and take an academic pause on the week of March 16th to allow our faculty to transition as many courses as possible to distance learning modalities. This includes online synchronous and asynchronous classes, video teleconference, email, conference calls, or any combination of these modalities.
All of our students were able to return home safely or make arrangements to live off campus, and on Monday, March 23rd, we resumed classes through distance learning. There are some courses such as labs and STCW courses that will need to be completed on campus once it is safe and restrictions for face-to-face instruction are lifted. We are working to ensure our students have access to the essential academic services they would normally have on campus to include academic advisement, IT support, tutoring, counseling, and athletic support.
Among the many events we had to postpone to a later date was the Spring Commencement Ceremony scheduled for May 1st. The spring degree conferral will be postponed to a later date in May to allow students more time to complete any remaining degree requirements. We plan to hold a Commencement Ceremony sometime in September for all students with May, July and September degree conferrals.
Considering the State Department’s issuance of a Level 4 Advisory (no international travel), which led to SUNY cancelling all Summer Study Abroad programs, we have decided it is no longer prudent or realistic to plan TSES departing on May 4th for the Summer Sea Term. A 100-day Sea Term in 2020 must be completed and there are two possible scenarios currently being evaluated. As there are too many unknowns at this time, a decision on which scenario we will execute will be made by mid-April.
Not all is lost in these challenging times. We are pleased to share with you a new date for the Admiral’s Dinner, which has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 22, 2020. The time and venue (Marina Del Rey) remain the same and I look forward to seeing you there as we celebrate the honorees and come together to offer much-needed support to our students. The economic impact of COVID-19 is likely to have a negative impact on many of our hardworking students from less affluent communities. As these students and their parents lose work, they will struggle to meet basic financial needs with tuition, the Sea Term and books becoming unattainable luxuries. The College’s limited scholarship budget will not be sufficient to allow these students to remain enrolled, and their dream of a Maritime College education and career may be postponed or lost completely. Now more than ever, our students need the “one hand” of our alumni.
We continue to navigate these unchartered seas, make adjustments based on a rapidly-changing situation, and will keep you apprised as we go along. In the meantime, please be safe.
All the best,
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
The State University of New York Maritime College
MARCH 25, 2020
A Message from Student Affairs
We want to let you know that the entire Student Affairs Division remains available to you remotely to help you through the end of this semester and beyond. Some of the things we are doing include:
Online Tutoring Assistance
Visit the Porthole, Luce Library website, or email Ms. Maranda Miller, Asst. Director for Learning Support, for more information.
Tele-Counseling and Mental Health
Email Ms. Christine D’Amico, Mental Health Counselor, to set up counseling sessions via Zoom.
Résumé Review and Internship Assistance
Email Ms. Christina Melendez, Internship Coordinator for help with job and internship searches.
Health Programs and Education
Email Brian Wilkow, Director of Health Services, for questions about Coronavirus and other medical concerns while you are away. If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, please contact Mr. Wilkow immediately.
Academic Advisement
Your LEAD 101 Advisors and Dr. Sherill Anderson, Assistant Dean, remain available to you should you need any assistance with academic support, registration, or online class concerns.
Athletics Support
Student Athletes should reach out to their coaches for ongoing programs and maintaining connection with their teams.
Veterans’ Services
Veterans and dependents should contact Major General Wolf, Veterans Affairs for assistance and support.
Title IX Support
Students can email Mary Zottoli, Title IX Coordinator with any questions or concerns as they pertain to Title IX, sexual violence, discrimination, or other concerns.
IT Support
If you are having difficulty accessing online materials, cannot access internet or technology needed to complete your courses, please contact the IT help desk at or by phone at 718-409-6917. SUNY also has a variety of resources available through the Open SUNY Helpdesk.
Check your email and log on to the Porthole for more updates and detailed information. You may also follow @mc_studentaffairs on Instagram for updates, programs, resources and more. Also, email Dean Imbriale ( or Dean Romeo ( with general questions or concerns.
We look forward to continuing to work with you, wherever you are!
Division of Student Affairs
March 23, 2020
A Message to Students from RADM Michael Alfultis
Dear Students,
I know many of you have questions and I know uncertainty is causing a great deal of anxiety for many of you. We know you have been waiting patiently to receive information from the College regarding completing the Spring Semester, graduation, Sea Term, and credit/reimbursement. Thank you for allowing us the time to work closely with SUNY, carefully deliberate and prepare plans for the remainder of Spring and Summer 2020. Below we have provided the status as it pertains to each category.
Completing the Spring 2020 Semester
First and foremost, the best thing you can do is focus on completing the Spring Semester in the best possible academic position. For those of you in license programs, we have received some good news from the Coast Guard. They are going to allow some flexibility with regards to completing STCW assessments embedded in your courses. ALL STUDENTS, AND PARTICULARLY STUDENTS ENROLLED IN OUR LICENSE PROGRAMS, SHOULD CONFIRM WITH THEIR INSTRUCTOR THE EXPECTATIONS FOR COMPLETING THEIR SPRING 2020 COURSES. In addition, each student should be interacting with each of their instructors on a regular (at least weekly) basis. You should plan on continuing “class meetings” according to your Spring 2020 class schedule.
Final Exam Week will be held as scheduled from April 20-24. Again, you should confirm with your instructor their plans for a final exam or final cumulative activity.
For those courses that will have pending assignments that must be completed face-to-face, the College is currently planning on a one to two-week “make-up” as soon as it is possible to continue face-to-face instruction on campus.
Please remember, your degree conferral date can be (and often is) different from the Commencement Date we use to celebrate our students’ completing their degree requirements. Considering the Governor’s recent signing of the New York State Pause executive order, it is unlikely that we can hold our Spring Commencement ceremony on its scheduled date of Friday, May 1st. We will likely postpone our spring degree conferral date to later in May to allow more time for students to complete any remaining degree requirements. Our other degree conferral dates will remain as schedule: July 1st and September 25th. Our current plan is to hold a Commencement Ceremony on Friday, September 25th for all students with May, July, and September degree conferrals.
Summer Sea Term
We must complete a 100-day Sea Term in 2020. Given the number of shipping companies who are cancelling their Cadet Shipping Programs, this 100-day Sea Term will be our “traditional” 50-50-100 model wherein the 2/c and 3/c will be split into two 50-day split cruises while the 1/c complete a full 100-day sea term. This will allow us to accommodate the increased number of 2/c needing their sea time.
Considering the State Department’s issuance of a Level 4 Advisory (no international travel for any U.S. citizen), which has led to SUNY cancelling all Summer Study Abroad programs, the increased demand of pandemic mitigation by aggressive social distancing, and measured against the risk of a potential COVID -19 outbreak on board TSES during Sea Term, we have decided it is no longer prudent or realistic to plan TSES departing on May 4th for Summer Sea Term.
We are currently evaluating two possible scenarios. First, adjusting the Fall Semester academic schedule to allow delaying the start of a 100-day Summer Sea Term to May 25th. The second scenario would be conducting a 100-day Sea Term during the Fall Semester. A decision on which scenario we will execute will be made no later than April 17th to allow time for student billing, logistics, and hiring of personnel. I know many of you will have many questions, but there are currently too many unknowns right now to make a final decision. I ask that you wait until we make a final decision on which scenario we feel is most likely to be successful. At that time, we will provide more details. Until then, again, THE BEST thing you can do right now is focus on completing your courses and finishing the semester in the best possible academic position.
Fall 2020 Registration
Registration for Fall 2020 begins on Thursday, March 26th - as originally scheduled. It is important that you register for the fall semester as if you successfully completed your Spring 2020 courses. Please work with your academic advisor to create your Fall 2020 schedule and to receive your Alternate PIN for registration.
Credit/Refund of Spring 2020 Costs
In a message to students on March 18, 2020, we provided credit/refund information pertaining to housing. We have also been working to carefully evaluate the fees eligible for a credit/refund. All students will receive prorated refunds or credits for certain other fees for services that have been discontinued due to the COVID-19 emergency. The calculation of the amount of the refund or credit is being determined for each of these fees.
Credits or refund approaches will be finalized before the end of the spring semester and credited to each student’s account accordingly. We recognize that this is a difficult time, and if you have a critical financial need, please contact Student Accounts (
Again, thank you for your patience. We will continue to keep you informed, and we appreciate your understanding as we navigate these unchartered seas and rapidly-changing situation.
Stay Well,
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
State University of New York, Maritime College
March 19, 2019
A Message from Maritime College Provost Dr. Joseph Hoffman

A Message from SUNY Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson, Ph.D.

March 18, 2020
A Message to Students and Parents
Dear Students and Parents,
The health, wellness and safety of our students is our highest priority and Maritime College is taking every measure to ensure students continue to receive a quality educational experience during this time of transition.
Although there are many courses that can be moved to a distance learning format, other courses do not lend themselves to a remote platform (e.g., science and engineering labs, and certain USCG license courses). We are currently working with our faculty to develop a plan for completing all spring semester courses, regardless of the modality in which they were taught. All faculty will be asked to clearly communicate their plan and expectations to their students.
As course work and instruction are moved to distance learning modalities and students depart the campus, we have worked closely with SUNY leadership to develop a refund approach that applies credits and refunds to student account balances.
Students will be awarded credits for unused housing, room and board. Adjustments to student accounts will be applied at the end of the Spring 2020 semester.
The following credit criteria will apply:
Graduating Seniors - Credits for unused housing, room and board will be provided as a one-time reimbursement for the calculated amount applied at the end of the Spring 2020 semester.
Returning Students - The College will seek permission from each student to apply the credits for unused housing, room and board on the Student Account against the Fall 2020 Full Cost of Attendance.
To be eligible for a credit:
Students must be in good standing according to College specific policies as well as academically.
The student’s belongings must be removed from the residence hall location, and the student’s room must be approved and cleared by Housing and Residential Life.
Broad-based fees and course fees are being reviewed for credit based on the student’s completion of the Spring 2020 semester. Please know that we are working to carefully review and analyze these various fees, consider the financial aid implications, and apply the appropriate credit/refund to each account.
Please contact Student Accounts ( for any questions regarding this policy.
We encourage you to keep safe and continue following all recommended guidelines.
Scott Dieterich
Vice President for Finance & Administration
March 17, 2020
Information from College Registrar
Due to the cancellation of classes, the last day to withdraw from Spring 2020 courses (with W grade) has been extended to Friday, March 27.
As of today (March 17), Advisement and Registration for Fall 2020 remains as scheduled. Students are required to communicate with their advisor for further instruction. Registration may be completed online via Maritime Self Service. For situations that require manual intervention/signatures from departments or Registrar’s Office, contact the Office of the Registrar.
March 16, 2020
COVID-19 Employee Guidance
Essential & Non-Essential Employees
In response to the public health emergency for the COVID-19 virus, this memorandum directs all non-essential employees to not report to work. For the purpose of this directive essential and non-essential employees are defined below:
Essential employees are defined as anyone whose job function is essential to the effective operation of their agency or authority, or who must be physically present to perform their job, or who is involved in the COVID-19 emergency response.
Non-essential employees are defined as anyone who does not need to be physically present to perform job functions, or they are not required to meet the core function and programs of their agency during this emergency response.
At this time, non-essential employees are to work from home and maintain contact with your immediate supervisor. Non-essential employees assigned to perform critical work outside of their normal state workplace is permitted. Employees will not be charged their accruals to fulfill this directive. Anyone designated non-essential shall call your immediate supervisor each day no later than one hour prior to their regular start time, to ensure any change in status can be communicated. An employee designated from either essential or non-essential may be modified ant any time as the operational needs of the response shift.
Direct Deposit & Paycheck Distribution
To avoid any interruption in the delivery of payroll checks in the event of a closure, it is encouraged that employees enroll in direct deposit. It is easy and convenient to enroll by completing and submitting the attached form along with a voided check to the Office of Human Resources Services. Paychecks dated 3/18/2020 will be distributed today between 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm. If you wish to have your paycheck mailed please contact the paycheck distribution area at
Employee Testing & Evaluation Protocols for COVID-19
As directed by the attached document, effective March 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM, all state agencies and authorities must abide by the following protocols for employees who report symptoms of illness associated with the COVID-19 virus. Any symptomatic employee should not report to work. As the number of suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 increases, all New York State employees must monitor themselves for possible symptoms, such as:
shortness of breath, or
respiratory infection/distress.
Any employee experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19 shall immediately report symptoms to their supervisor and the Office of Human Resource Services to ensure the necessary protocols.
March 15, 2020
A Message from SUNY Maritime President RADM Michael Alfultis
Dear Maritime College Community,
Like many of you, we have been carefully monitoring the situation regarding the coronavirus in our area. In doing so, it has become evident that offering on-campus instruction is no longer in the best interests of the Maritime College community. Therefore, we will be taking the following actions this week.
ALL remote and on-campus classes for the week of March 16th are CANCELLED.
Effective today (Sunday), there will be no taps or morning formation.
Effective 0800 Monday, all ship watches are suspended. Any cadet wishing to voluntarily continue to stand watches or work on the ship should contact Captain McManus.
All students will move out of the dorms, commencing Tuesday, March 17th according to the below schedule. ALL STUDENTS MUST PROPERLY CHECK OUT OF THE DORMS WITH HOUSING IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY FUTURE CREDIT OR REFUND. Further details on a refund/credit policy will be forthcoming.
Move out schedule:
Tuesday, March 17: A/B and G/H Dorms
Wednesday, March 18: C/D and E/F Dorms
Students with hardships who may not be able to move out according to the assigned schedule should contact the Dean of Students office.
We are continuing to work with our faculty on an academic continuity plan. Remote instruction will commence Monday, March 22nd. Faculty will be contacting students regarding the status and future direction of their courses.
Any student questions related to classes should be directed to the Dean of Students.
All staff are expected to report to work. Additional guidance regarding alternative work arrangements is forthcoming and employees may direct their questions to Human Resources.
I ask each of you to stay safe and healthy. It is imperative we all continue to practice "social distancing" and good personal hygiene in order to protect ourselves and our families.
These are very fluid and dynamic circumstances, and I know this can lead to considerable anxiety. We will seek to keep everyone as well informed as possible in order to ease some of the anxiety. Please continue to monitor your email and the Maritime College web site for further updates.
RADM Michael Alfultis, USMS, Ph.D.
President, SUNY Maritime College
March 13, 2020
Maritime College is open, classes are in session and all services are available.
As of today, there are no reported and/or confirmed cases of COVID-19 on campus.
March 12, 2020
The health and safety of Maritime College students, faculty and staff is the College’s highest priority as the College continues to closely monitor the developments surrounding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Maritime College communicates daily with State University of New York leadership and local health officials to receive the most recent developments and implement measures according to their guidance, and in keeping with the specific needs of the campus. Updates will be continue to be posted to this webpage.
As of today, there have been no students, faculty or staff on campus who have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Directive of NYS Governor
Yesterday (March 11), the New York State Governor directed all SUNY and CUNY campuses to implement plans to maximize distance learning and reduce in-person classes, beginning March 19. The goal is to maintain academic continuity while reducing the density of students on campuses and in classrooms. The Governor stated, “All campuses will develop plans catered to the campus and curriculum-specific needs while reducing density in the campus environment to help slow possibility for exposures to novel coronavirus.”
Classes & Transition to Distance Learning
Maritime College is open and classes currently remain in session. The College will do everything possible to ensure students complete the spring semester successfully.
Plans to transition courses to distance learning is underway. Not all courses, however, can transition to distance learning. Courses associated with the United State Coast Guard as well as lab classes are among the courses that will continue to take place in the classroom at this time.
The U.S. Department of Education has provided the following definition and guidance for distance learning:
“To meet the Department’s requirements for providing distance education, an institution must communicate to students through one of several types of technology – including email – described under 34 CFR § 600.2, and instructors must initiate substantive communication with students, either individually or collectively, on a regular basis. In other words, an instructor could use email to provide instructional materials to students enrolled in his or her class, use chat features to communicate with students, set up conference calls to facilitate group conversations, engage in email exchanges or require students to submit work electronically that the instructor will evaluate.”
Housing & Meals
Maritime College is not closed and students may remain on campus at this time. All residence halls and dining facilities throughout the campus are open, and students continue to have full access to housing and meals.
The Food Pantry, located outside of the Welcome Center, is available for students who need non-perishable foods and toiletries during hours of operation (Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Wed. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.).
Student Health Services
Any student who exhibits any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 during campus business hours should visit Student Health Services immediately. If a student presents with a high index of suspicion for COVID-19, Health Services will test for the virus and send the specimen to a laboratory for analysis. Students who need medical attention during off hours should contact their local Urgent Care or hospital or contact UPD at (718)-409-7311. Students are urged to follow good hygiene practices and wash with soap and water. If soap and water is not immediately available, use hand sanitizer. Presently, Student Health Services has not identified any student with the virus.
Sanitation & Disinfection Efforts
The College has also taken a more aggressive approach to disinfecting the campus through daily surface cleaning and electrostatic disinfection.
Health Services, the Weight Room and Reisenberg Gymnasium are cleaned and thoroughly disinfected twice each day with an electrostatic disinfectant machine.
A detailed cleaning of classrooms, Mess Deck, dining hall in Murray Hall, Library, Academic Success Center, Heritage Hall and all other common spaces takes place each evening, as well as electrostatic disinfection of these areas.
Additional hand sanitizing dispensers have been added throughout the campus
The College is fully stocked with sanitizing supplies and equipment (wipes, hand sanitizer, cleaning and disinfecting products)
As a precaution and in line with local public health department guidance to limit exposure to COVID-19, Maritime College has postponed numerous campus events and cancelled all spring semester community programs. To date, this includes: MUG Ship Weekend, SST Parent's Briefing, Admission's Open House, Accepted Student's Day, STEAM Day, and various professional conferences and lecture series. The College continues to evaluate other events and will make announcements in the event that further cancellations and postponements occur.
All study abroad programs for the spring semester have been cancelled
All college-related non-essential international travel for faculty and staff has been suspended
Personal Precautions
Limit the risk of exposure by following these personal guidelines:
Stay home if you are sick
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol