The Cadet Experience
The Regiment of Cadets at Maritime is a disciplined lifestyle program. In the first year, cadets learn to follow orders and the rules and regulations of the Regiment. Cadets then increasingly learn to be leaders, take care of those under their command and make the best decisions for their group.
Although cadets wear uniforms, they are not part of the military and there is no military service obligation.
While most cadets pursue a U.S. Coast Guard license in addition to their academic degree, it is not necessary to be in the license program in order to be a part of the Regiment.
Discipline. Leadership.
View the video below to learn more about the leadership, career and professional development opportunities afforded to cadets and students at Maritime College.

First Year as a Cadet
Students who come to Maritime College as a freshman in the Regiment of Cadets are known as a MUG (Mariner Under Guidance). It means the cadet is learning the rules and regulations and the basics of leadership and development as a mariner.
Introduction to the Regiment of Cadets takes place through a 10-day orientation program called Indoctrination, or INDOC. Because most students in the Regiment of Cadets pursue a U.S. Coast Guard license and a career at sea, INDOC is specifically designed to prepare the cadet for life on board a marine vessel. Cadets learn sea survival skills and spend at least one hour every day in physical training. Cadets come to know their shipmates and interact with their cadet leadership, and their fellow MUGs.
Learn more about the INDOC experience here.